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Southwark Industrial Audit

Reports, maps, documents, outputs

Description URL
Exploratory Map (first draft) https://npalomin.github.io/sind/sum_one.html
Exploratory data analysis (first draft) https://npalomin.github.io/sind/Exploratory-Data-Analysis.html
Southwark data and final BUILDINGS and PARCELS https://npalomin.github.io/sind/final_southwarkdata.html
LU_CODE_20 (from GLA) *incorrect land use https://npalomin.github.io/sind/2015_ind_land.html
Spatial Data Training http://tiny.cc/sia_cass
Filter 2 map https://npalomin.github.io/sind/filter_2.html
Filter 1 map https://npalomin.github.io/sind/filter_1.html
Spatial data preprocessing here
GLA_Ind_Land quality analysis here
Study area layers here
Study of Industrial definition by SIC code https://npalomin.github.io/sind/SIC_industrial/SIC_industrial.html
Where to go - 17 jun map https://npalomin.github.io/sind/sal.html
October 2020 https://npalomin.github.io/sind/oct2020.html

Selected literature

Title Keywords URL
Creative Multiplicities: Urban Morphologies of Creative Clustering Networks, Mix-use, Categories https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gc_XjbNQhAOFPtQYU83LTe30EO6cyjfX
Creative Cities, Creative Spaces and Urban Policy Survey, London, Clusters https://drive.google.com/open?id=1s85hvulCVEWaC5w9vBh0ugZfCcs5-71o
Reinvigorating New York City’s Manufacturing Zones for the 21st Century New York, Planning, Categories https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZPKbNzoL9SJCZ5JEmxPzv9n6y12mJouM
Making the Marginal Visible: Microenterprise and Urban Space in London Micro scale, London https://www.arcc-repository.org/index.php/repository/article/view/119
Pragmatic urbanism: London’s railway arches and small-scale enterprise Railway arches, London https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_oRjxf0TdgwQCq0uQQiyhfx3IT-YSnnG


Description URL
Colouring London land use scheme https://www.pages.colouring.london/use
Local Economy Study (WMD - LLDC) http://www.wemadethat.co.uk/journal/view/lldc-local-economy-study
What Walworth Wants http://www.wemadethat.co.uk/pdfs/What_Walworth_Wants_low_res.pdf
Area Action Plan - OKR here
Physical Structure and Economic Development http://www.inclusiveurbanism.org/london-and-guangzhou.html
Standard for occupational classification here
SOC code support here
Standard for industrial classification here
SIC code support http://www.siccodesupport.co.uk/
Nature of business(SIC) http://resources.companieshouse.gov.uk/sic/
GLA Industrial Land Good Practice https://www.london.gov.uk/node/37952
Town centres study (LSE) http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/83636/1/sercdp0213.pdf

Settlement form (Lynch, 1981)

the spatial arrangement of persons doing things, the resulting spatial flows of persons, goods and information, and the physical features which modify space in some way significant to those actions, including enclosures, surfaces, channels, ambiences and objects. Further, the descriptions must include the cyclical and secular changes in those spatial distributions, the control of space, and the perception of it (p. 48).

Creative clustering

While most of this discourse has been focused at the geographic scale of inter-city competition, demographics and policy, it has long been clear that creative industries do not locate randomly within cities and are sensitive to ‘characteristics of place’ at the neighbourhood scale. While the importance of quality of place to creative clustering is repeatedly acknowledged, the associated micro-spatialities and morphologies remain under-researched (Wood & Dovey, 2014).




https://lowline.london/https://lowline.london/ https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/town-centre-locations