Custom workouts for Garmin Watch

  1. Define your workouts in a .yaml file with the following format:

    - name: LEG DAY
        - name: Squats
            series: 4
            reps: 10
        - name: Deadlift
            series: 3
            reps: 8-10
            notes: last set AMRAP

    Check example.yaml for more examples.

  2. Run the script:

    python path/to/workout.yaml
  3. Connect your Garmin Watch through USB, and copy the generated .fit files to <garmin watch>/Internal Storage/GARMIN/NewFiles.

  4. Done. Workouts should show up.


I made this to fit my needs, so there's some hardcoded behavior that works for me but might not work for you:

  • The script creates strength workouts. This could be expanded easily.
  • There's a hardcoded 1m rest between sets, and 3m rest between exercises. This could be expanded easily.
  • Exercises are not recognized by the Garmin Connect app. Meaning you won't see the trained muscle groups or any other details. This could be supported, but not so easily.