Loose Internal documentation of the timetable generation logic

  • backtrack.py is the main file that runs the generate algorithm


  • primary_subs : Dict[Standard:List[Subject]]
  • timetable is a 3d array where the odd outer indices are section A and even are section B (gimmick)
  • primary classes from 1 to 5
  • secondary classes from 6 to 10


  • The constraints model has the ConstraintGroup which can be subclassed
  • Any function that is a subclass of ConstraintGroup and has the "constraint" decorator becomes a constraint that runs when "validate" is called
  • All valid constraints are "stateless"


  • unitttests are contained in tests/
  • tests can be run by running python -m unittest discover on the top directory
  • Profiling is done using cpython
  • can be visualized using snakeviz


  • Ditch backtracking, takes a lot of time on bad random seeds
  • Implement restricted teachers
  • Use backtracking's advantage of traversing back multiple classes for cross-class constraints