
Obliterating hackerrank python programs with one liners for fun.

Primary LanguagePython

Random Python hackerrank problems in one line

  • No semi-colons, No gimmicks, just lambdas and state manipulation.
  • So before you go shouting over the roof, some programs aren't one-liners cause hackerrank doesn't allow me to remove the boiler-plate code for getting the input. but yeah it's just an extra lambda to get and throw the input into the function to make it one line.

why am I wasting my time like this?

  • why not? , just for the funzies
  • I don't understand what I write, but hey it's rewarding when it all comes together in a single line.


  • All programs in python can be converted to a single line if u eval the decoded base64 version of the source-code
  • All the above programms are originally written by me, when I was bored.
  • As a timestamp , I started this challenge on 9th Jun 2021.

Snippets that were helpful from the internet

This one's from python discord guild, y'all are awesome (slightly edited to work with py 3.7 cause hackerrank uses that)

try_ = lambda t, *a, f=lambda a:a, e=Exception, **k,:([r for globals()["r"] in [{}]][0]).pop(
            '__exit__':lambda s,*a:isinstance(
                a[1], e
            ) and [r.update(
    )()(t)(*a, **k)
try_(lambda:1/0,f=lambda *a:print('wat'),e=ZeroDivisionError)


(lambda t, *a, f=lambda a:a, e=Exception, **k,:([r for globals()["r"] in [{}]][0]).pop('r',type('',(__import__('contextlib').ContextDecorator,),{'__enter__':int,'__exit__':lambda s,*a:isinstance(a[1], e) and [r.update(r=f(a))]})()(t)(*a, **k)))