
An OCR application for chess boards

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A OCR application for chess boards

The goal of this application is to read an image, detect the chess boards in it and export them using the FEN notation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth–Edwards_Notation).

Setting stuff up

    virtualenv env
    source env/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python src/main.py <filename>



Board Detection

  • Read Image from file

Original Image

  • Convert image to grayscale.

Grayscale Image

  • Convert to black and white taking into account average image brightness.

BW Image

  • Find contours using cv2.findContours

Contours Image

  • Filter irrelevant contours:
    • Area either too small or too large.
    • Ratio height/width not close to 1.

Contours Image

Board Extraction/Perspective Correction

  • Draw each contour in an individual black buffer.

Contours bw Image

  • Find lines by using the standard Hough transform. This is done, iteratively, progressively decreasing the accumulator threshold parameter until there exactly 2 horizontal lines and 2 vertical lines (with some degree of freedom).
    • Lines that are too close to each other are ignored

Contour Lines Contour Lines

  • Calculate the perspective correction transformation using the 4 points of intersection.

Perspective Points

  • Apply the transformation to a copy of the original image and crop it to size.

Extracted Board


Grid Detection/Tile extraction

  • Using OpenCV to detect grids

  • Using Canny algorithm for edge detection Canny Edge Image

  • Find lines by using the standard Hough transform. This is done, iteratively, progressively decreasing the accumulator threshold parameter until there are at least 8 horizontal lines and 8 vertical lines. Lines that are too close to each other are ignored

    Hough Lines Image 1

    Hough Lines Image 2

  • Calculate the line intersections

    Detected Grid

To Do

Piece Detection

Rule-based Board Validation/Self-Correction