
Flask-based ActivityPub (to be) federated api/social network

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Create a virtualenv, activate it, and then pip install -r requirements.txt. (Make sure it's a Python3 environment; some of our dependencies require it.)

Create an account with MongoDB's cloud service; it's free for a very small cluster. Set up an admin user with a separate password, create an IP whitelist and connect to the database cluster to make sure it's working. (Install mongodb to your machine, with Homebrew, for example.)


Update config.py with your MongoDB credentials/URIs (be sure to get the full URI connection string from the "Connect Your Application" dialog), your email address in the ADMINS list and some dummy mail server credentials.

Create a .env file (or otherwise configure environment variables) for your MongoDB password, API key, and other sensitive variables, based on .env.example. server_name must be set to the host/port at which you'll be accessing the server; for example, for local testing you might set it to smilodon.localhost:5000 and add smilodon.localhost to your hosts file. server_uri should be the full address and protocol that it will be found at, e.g. http://smilodon.localhost:5000. api_uri should also be a full address and protocol, ending in /api (or at a subdomain, depending on your configuration).

For local development, you may wish to disable SSLify (in app/__init__.py), to access the server over HTTP rather than HTTPS.

Run it locally

Install Heroku (brew install heroku). (You could also use Foreman or Honcho.)

heroku local should run the server on your local machine. You can access the server at the server name you configured above, for example, http://smilodon.localhost:5000.



Create an account on Heroku (free should be fine to start) and a single application.

heroku login and enter your credentials. Set up deploy via git push, following the commands listed on your Deploy tab, like: heroku git:remote -a smilodon-app-name.

Set configuration variables in the Settings tab, one for each variable in .env; update the URIs to refer to the Heroku-provided app address, e.g. https://smilodon-app-name.herokuapp.com. The API URI must be configured for a subdirectory, e.g. https://smilodon-app-name.herokuapp.com/api (unless you're running at a custom domain name with a wildcard certificate).

Run it in the cloud

Update your master branch with config.py customized to you, then deploy with git push heroku master. Heroku will build (installing all the pip requirements, etc.) and then run your Procfile. Load https://smilodon-app-name.herokuapp.com to verify.