
Scripts to scrape JOHD's and RDJHSS websites for metrics on data papers and corresponding datasets, and to carry out analyses on them.

Primary LanguagePython

JOHD Data Analysis: scripts and data


Project structure

├─ README.md
├─ curated_inputs
│  ├─ datasets_datapapers-links-johd.csv
│  ├─ datasets_datapapers-links-rdj.csv
│  ├─ research_datapapers-links-johd.csv
│  └─ research_datapapers-links-rdj.csv
├─ requirements.txt
├─ scripts
│  ├─ analysis
│  │  ├─ corr_analysis_A.py
│  │  ├─ corr_analysis_B.py
│  │  ├─ corr_analysis_C.py
│  │  ├─ descr_analysis_B-g_h.py
│  │  ├─ descr_analysis_C-D.py
│  │  ├─ descr_analysis_F.py
│  │  └─ descr_analysis_G.py
│  ├─ postprocess
│  │  ├─ merge_johd_dimensions.py
│  │  ├─ merge_rdj_dimensions.py
│  │  └─ merge_research_papers_dimensions.py
│  ├─ scraper
│  │  ├─ datasets_scraper-johd.py
│  │  ├─ datasets_scraper-rdj.py
│  │  ├─ johd_scraper.py
│  │  └─ rdj_scraper.py
│  └─ zenodo_api
│     └─ zenodo.ipynb
├─ zenodo_dimensions_all_humss
└─ twitter_analysis
   ├─ twitter_scripts
   │  ├─ tweets_per_hashtag.py
   │  └─ welchs_test.py
   └─ welchs_analysis
      └─ welchs_results.csv

Pipeline summary

NB: Every step in the pipeline needs to be done on the same day, else you may run into inconsistencies.

  1. Update the curated inputs in this repository:
    • datasets_datapapers-links-johd.csv: add the latest data papers by JOHD and associated datasets.
    • datasets_datapapers-links-rdj.csv: add the latest data papers by RDJ and associated datasets.
    • research_datapapers-links-johd.csv: add any missing research paper associated to JOHD data papers.
    • research_datapapers-links-rdj.csv: add any missing research paper associated to RDJ data papers.
  2. Export the following data from Dimensions:
    • all publications by JOHD and RDJ (one dataset). Put the export in dimensions_exports/johd_rdj and rename the file to YYYY-MM-DD-dimensions_export.csv (where YYYY-MM-DD is the date of the export).
    • all DOIs of research papers associated with data papers as listed in curated_inputs/research_datapapers-links-johd.csv and curated_inputs/research_datapapers-links-rdj.csv.
  3. Run python scripts/scraper/johd_scraper.py. This will output outputs/scraper_outputs/johd/YYYY-MM-DD-scraper-datapapers-johd (YYYY-MM-DD will automatically be changed with the date in which you run this script).
  4. Run python scripts/scraper/datasets_scraper-rdj.py and python scripts/scraper/datasets_scraper-johd.py. This will output outputs/scraper_outputs/rdj/YYYY-MM-DD-scraper-datasets-rdj.csv and outputs/scraper_outputs/johd/YYYY-MM-DD-scraper-datasets-johd.csv (YYYY-MM-DD will automatically be changed with the date in which you run this script).
  5. Run python scripts/scraper/rdj_scraper.py. This will output outputs/scraper_outputs/rdj/YYYY-MM-DD-scraper-datasets-rdj.csv (YYYY-MM-DD will automatically be changed with the date in which you run this script).
  6. Make a copy of outputs/scraper_outputs/johd/YYYY-MM-DD-scraper-datasets-johd.csv and put it into outputs/final_outputs/johd/. Rename it to YYYY-MM-DD-final-datasets-johd.csv.
  7. Manually add the metrics for the datasets which we can't crawl but can retrieve manually (currently 3):
    • 10.5334/johd.4
    • 10.5334/johd.15
    • 10.5334/johd.33
    • 10.1163/24523666-00502010
    • 10.5334/johd.69
  8. Run python scripts/postprocess/merge_johd_dimensions.py. This will output outputs/final_outputs/johd/YYYY-MM-DD-final-datapapers-johd.csv.
  9. Run python scripts/postprocess/merge_rdj_dimensions.py. This will output outputs/final_outputs/research_papers/YYYY-MM-DD-final-datapapers-rdj.csv.
  10. Run python scripts/postprocess/merge_research_papers_dimensions.py. This will output outputs/final_outputs/research_papers/YYYY-MM-DD-final-research_papers-johd.csv and outputs/final_outputs/research_papers/YYYY-MM-DD-final-research_papers-rdj.csv.
  11. Congrats! You now have the final datasets that you need to run the analyses:
  • YYYY-MM-DD-final-datasets-johd.csv
  • YYYY-MM-DD-final-datapapers-johd.csv
  • YYYY-MM-DD-final-datasets-rdj.csv
  • YYYY-MM-DD-final-datapapers-rdj.csv
  • YYYY-MM-DD-final-research_papers-johd
  • YYYY-MM-DD-final-research_papers-rdj

Details about folders

Curated inputs

This folder contains all manually-curated data papers-datasets and data papers-research papers linking for both JOHD and RDJ.

The data papers-datasets linking files contain the following variables:

  • DOI: DOI of the data paper
  • repourl: URL of the repository of the associated dataset
  • reponame: Name of repository. Note that this variable is used as input to the dataset scraper (each repository has its own scraping method)
  • pub-date: publication date of dataset

The data papers-research papers linking files contain the following variables:

  • DOI: DOI of the data paper
  • DOI_research_paper: DOI of the research paper

Manual data


This file contains collected data about JOHD and RDJHSS publications until 4 June 2022. The columns are the following:

  • 'type': type of publication (article)
  • 'doi': DOI of the paper
  • 'journal/repository': the name of the journal
  • 'Year': year of publication of the paper
  • 'title': title of the publication
  • 'paper type': type of paper (data paper or research paper)
  • 'field': research fields and their classification with MeSH
  • 'keywords': keywords of the publications
  • 'special collection or general issue'
  • 'publication date'
  • 'language'


  • zenodo.ipynb: builds a dataset of datasets published on Zenodo in the humanities and social sciences between 29 September 2015 (the date of the first JOHD article) and 4 June 2022 by communicating with the Zenodo REST API, and extracting the datastes's doi, html, publication_date, downloads and views; the output is a dataframe save in .json and .csv format. (Please note that you need your own Zenodo access token to reproduce these results.)

Analysis scripts


Change value of variable dateoflastdf to date of latest datasets.

Runs correlation analysis between data paper metrics and associated dataset metric. It outputs YYYY-MM-DD-correlations.csv, which will contain the following variables:

  • variable1: first variable
  • variable2: second variable
  • rho: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
  • p-value: p-value
  • Strength of correlation: 'Strong' (1 > rho >= 0.7 or -1 < rho <= -0.7), 'Moderate' (0.7 > rho >= 0.4 or -0.7 < rho <= -0.4) or 'Weak' (0.4 > rho >= 0.1 or -0.4 < rho <= -0.1)
  • Significative?: 'Significative' (p <= 0.05), 'Borderline' (0.05 < p <= 0.07) or 'Non-significative (p > 0.07)


Change value of variable dateoflastdf to date of latest datasets.

Runs Mann-Whitney U-test and Welch's t-test between the altmetric/citation counts of all research papers in the Humanities (2015-2022) and the altmetric/citation counts of research papers with associated data paper. It also plots a boxplot comparing the medians. It outputs the statistics in two separate CSVs:

  • YYYY-MM-DD-means-altmetric-analysis-B
  • YYYY-MM-DD-means-citations-analysis-B Each of the above contains 10 rows, corresponding to 10 different random sampling (each 5000 publications) of the dataset with all research papers in the Humanities.


Change value of variable dateoflastdf to date of latest datasets.

Runs Mann-Whitney U-test and Welch's t-test between the downloads/views of all datasets in the Humanities (2015-2022) and the downloads/views of datasets with associated data paper. It also plots a boxplot comparing the medians. It outputs the statistics in two separate CSVs:

  • YYYY-MM-DD-means-downloads-analysis-C
  • YYYY-MM-DD-means-views-analysis-C Each of the above contains 10 rows, corresponding to 10 different random sampling (each 5000 publications) of the dataset with all Zenodo datasets in the Humanities.


Plots differences between JOHD and RDJHSS research fields, as well as the number of publications for each year.


Plots difference in publication date between data papers and associated research papers, and the difference between data papers and associated datasets (to check which ones are generally published first, or how long before/after the other).


Plots overall changes in metrics growth/decrease rates over time for JOHD/RDJ articles, normalizing by article/dataset age.


Plots overall changes in metrics growth/decrease rates over time for all humanities datasets in Zenodo (2015-2022), normalizing by dataset age.


Plots overall changes in metrics growth/decrease rates over time for all humanities research papers from Dimensions (2015-2022), normalizing by article/dataset age.

Twitter analysis

Analysis of the impact of Twitter on the visibility of a paper. In the specific this folder contains the codes for the analysis of the metrics associated with papers that were tweeted with specific hashtags on JOHD's Twitter account.


  • tweets_per_hashtag.py: starting from the file twitter_analytics > tweets_johd.csv, looks for the different hashtags and separates the tweets into different files, one for each hashtag. It prints the output files contained in the folder tweets_by_hashtag.
  • welchs_test.py: runs two Welch's t-tests on the data contained in metrics_by_hashtag. The first one is run on the papers that appeared in #showmeyourdata (johd_show.csv) vs. those that did not (johd_not_show.csv). The second test is run on the papers that appeared in #johdpapers (johd_tweeted.csv) vs. those that did not (johd_not_tweeted.csv).


Contains results of the Welch's t-test, containing:

  • variable1: first variable
  • variable2: second variable
  • mean difference: difference between the means of the two dataframes
  • t-test: value issued from the Welch's test
  • p-value: p-value
  • Significative?: 'Significative' (p <= 0.05), 'Not significative (p > 0.07)


  • In datasets_datapapers-links-rdj.csv:
    • For the title Dative alternation revisited the DOI is not retrievable on Dimensions for the individual chapter (only for whole volume).
    • 10.6084/m9.figshare.14743044.v2 also not retrievable on Dimensions
    • CEUR proceedings publications not retrievable on Dimensions
  • The script used to extract dataset metrics has bespoke methods for each repository, where possible. Note: data on OSF is not usable as it's not comparable to the others (it only provides views for the last 2 months and there's no easy way to get that info automatically anyway). 'Other' means that that repo either does not provide usage statistics or these need to be collected manually (see instructions in Pipeline summary).
  • The dataset scraper will only distinguishes between the following repos: Zenodo, OSF, Dataverse, DataShare, DANS, Figshare, Figshare-Inst, Other
  • Figshare-Inst (institutional Figshare, e.g. this one) needs to be distinguished from Figshare, as it has a slightly different HTML structure than the generic Figshare one.