
Conway's Game Of Life

Conway's Game of Life

This is an implementation of Conway's Game of Life using javascript in the browser. It is very basic, assuming dead cells around a grid. It was an experiment to see if I could get it working with requirejs, lodash, and knockout.

  • Gosper Glider Gun (/conways.html?i=50&c=150&r=30&seed=2:26,3:24,3:26,4:14,4:15,4:22,4:23,4:36,4:37,5:13,5:17,5:22,5:23,5:36,5:37,6:2,6:3,6:12,6:18,6:22,6:23,7:2,7:3,7:12,7:16,7:18,7:19,7:24,7:26,8:12,8:18,8:26,9:13,9:17,10:14,10:15)
  • oscillator (/conways.html?i=100&c=20&r=11&seed=6:6,6:7,6:8,6:9,6:10,6:11,6:12,6:13,6:14,6:15)