
arXiv app for Android

Primary LanguageJava


an unofficial android app

Development on hold until arXiv 2.0 API changes are completed

but y make this, tho?

The existing arXiv app doesn't have the functions I want, so I'm making this. This is my first project in Java, so code tips and suggestions are very welcome.

Currently working on:

  • "More articles" card

Remaining tasks:

  • Make the actual widget, yo. You know, the whole reason you started this timesink in the first place.
  • Expand to all fields and categories (remember pdf thing)
  • Auto-update


  • Recyclerview
  • Card expansion
  • Local list storage
  • Check last update
  • Sharing
  • Make articles accessible
  • Store and open PDFs
  • Settings activity. This should be an activity.
  • Finish designing custom search dialog
  • Bookmarks
  • Sort your backstacks out, yo.

Pretty much done...

  • Search functionality
  • URL standardization
  • Favorites
  • Icon ... it's done, just need to implement it

Maybe if I have time later...

  • Add sub-section filtering