AgileMD Reporting Project

All work is going to be made via Pull Requests from a non-master branch to the master branch where it will be reviewed.

To create a branch that is not master from your terminal:

  • cd into the folder that holds this repository
    • if you do not have it already: git clone
  • git branch <branchname> to create a branch (name does not matter too much)
  • do your work saving files as you go.
  • to create a commit: git commit -m "Description of changes"
  • to push up to GitHub: git push -u origin <branchname>

At the time of writing we are going to split this project up into 3 sections: Input/Output and Storage, Graphing, Image Generation.

Input/Output and Storage

You will be working in the io directory for now and will find more detailed information in the located in there.


You will be working in the graphing directory for now and will find more detailed information in the located in there.

Image Generation

You will be working in the image directory for now and will find more detailed information in the located in there.