Hi, I'm Tyler 👋


I work on the Visual Studio Code team at Microsoft.

What am I up to?

  • 🔭 I’m currently ramping up for my new gig on the VS Code team 😁
  • 🌱 I’ve also been learning about the Jupyter Notebooks ecosystem over in .NET Interactive 📓
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help maintaining the PowerShell Pester Test Explorer 🐢✅


👀 All my work is open source 👀

Sometimes people give me a mic and I talk about 💻. You can also find me on Twitch live-coding 👨‍💻 📺 projects of all kinds. I also like ☕️ with the word "mouthfeel" on the packaging.

  • 🙂 My preferred pronouns are: He/Him
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I'm originally from Florida 🌴 but don't hold that against me 😉

Tech preferences

🖥 Operating System macOS
📺 Terminal iTerm2
🐚 Shell PowerShell
📝 Editor Visual Studio Code

My terminal prompt looks like...

tyleonha ~/Code/TypeScript/vscode git: master ≣

Thanks to posh-git and oh-my-posh


You can find me on 🐦 Twitter @TylerLeonhardt - Ask me about VS Code, PowerShell, my job at Microsoft, open source, anything!