
Repository for University Major Project (Dissertation) in 'Predicting Stock Market Trends from News Headlines'

Primary LanguagePython

CS39440 Major Project: Predicting Stock Market Trends from News Headlines

Build Status

Author: Nicolas Petras (nip19)

This repository contains the program sources for my major project in 'Predicting Stock Market Trends from News Headlines' using machine learning techniques. This repository currently only includes the technical work for the project.

Top Level Repository Structure

datasets: stores the main datasets that are going to be used by the tool. These datasets include existing ones that have been downloaded from the internet, and datasets I have created myself.

source: the main sources for the project -- contains the productive code for the tool used to predict stock prices based on news headlines.

notes: back-ups of notes taken on Notion or other note taking platform, which includes the project diary, supervisor meeting minutes and many other notes.

spike_work: stores sources which have been created during learning and experimentation, before writing official sources/programs.


This repository uses the Google Python Style Guide, yapf formatter with google style option and pylint to check for linting/style errors.