
Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Smite Fantasy League App

Project Overview

Application to make the management of the Smite Fantasy Pro League easier for both the admins and players. Creating a better overall experience for everyone.

Smite is a third-person action MOBA with a professional league known as the SPL (Smite Pro League).

Community members have set-up Discord servers to host a SPL fantasy league similar to the NBA or Premier League fantasy leagues. All of the drafting, trades, scoring of the players and teams is done manually and recorded in a spreadsheet. This project aims to automate as much of this process as possible, as well as providing a tailored application that can make the drafting process more interactive and streamlined. The application will be mainly aimed at the admins of the fantasy league, but could be extended in future to provide fantasy league players to view and edit their teams, have access to scoreboards and other aspects.

Developer Notes

Repository Overview

  • backend: All backend related sources
  • db: Database related sources/files
  • frontend: Front-end related sources/files
  • spikes: Experimental code to aid the development of the application, currently includes skeleton code for a possible database and spring web service

Technology Stack


  • Kotlin (JVM) Application

In future hope to use:

  • Spring for Backend
  • Angular for Frontend
  • PostgreSQL for Database

Installation and Execution