
libsass wrapper for maven

Primary LanguageJava

Libsass Maven Plugin

Libsass Maven Plugin uses libsass to compile sass files. Uses Jna to interface with C-library.


  • 0.1.1 - scss files can now be placed in inputpath/ directly
  • 0.1.0 - changed artefact group to com.github.warmuuh


either add on-demand-repository (using https://jitpack.io/)


or install locally

git clone --recursive https://github.com/warmuuh/libsass-maven-plugin.git
cd libsass-maven-plugin
mvn install


Configure plugin in your pom.xml:


Configuration Elements

Element Default value Documentation
outputPath ${project.build.directory} The directory in which the compiled CSS files will be placed.
inputPath src/main/sass The directory from which the source .scss files will be read. This directory will be traversed recursively, and all .scss files found in this directory or subdirectories will be compiled.
imagePath null Location of images to for use by the image-url Sass function.
includePath null Additional include path, ';'-separated
outputStyle expanded Output style for the generlookated css code. One of nested, expanded, compact, compressed. Note that as of libsass 3.1, expanded and compact result in the same output as nested.
generateSourceComments false Emit comments in the compiled CSS indicating the corresponding source line. The default value is false.
generateSourceMap true Generate source map files. The generated source map files will be placed in the directory specified by sourceMapOutputPath.
sourceMapOutputPath ${project.build.directory} The directory in which the source map files that correspond to the compiled CSS will be placed
omitSourceMapingURL false Prevents the generation of the sourceMappingURL special comment as the last line of the compiled CSS.
embedSourceMapInCSS false Embeds the whole source map data directly into the compiled CSS file by transforming sourceMappingURL into a data URI.
embedSourceContentsInSourceMap false Embeds the contents of the source .scss files in the source map file instead of the paths to those files
inputSyntax scss Switches the input syntax used by the files to either sass or scss.
precision 5 Precision for fractional numbers

For windows, linux64 and osx, there are binaries included.

For rest: you probably have to compile libsass and add it by using -Djna.library.path=(path to the binary)


MIT License.