
cute low res graphics scripting with lua, sandboxed as oF addon

Primary LanguageC++


cute graphics scripting with oF and luaJIT

minimal sandbox for scripting 2d graphics using lua binded to some oF function, very opinionated workflow.

Includes different lua namespaces:

  • px for drawing shapes and lines and general control
  • lfo for cyclic animations
  • osc for osc input / output
  • png for loading and displaying folders of .png images
  • font for drawing text
  • frag for loading and rendering fragment shaders

For Lua scripting i'm using ofxLua, that i just tweaked a bit.
A build of luaJIT 2.0.5 for linux64 is included, for other systems you have to build it yourself and put the compiled library into libs/luaJIT/lib/yourplatform.

It also now include a pixelscript interpreter program which takes the file to evaluate as input.

Building the interpreter

you need openFramworks 0.10, go into the addons folder and then you can clone and build this repo

git clone https://github.com/npisanti/np-pixelscript.git
cd np-pixelscript/pixelscript

you can use make -j4 for building faster with more cores, on the raspberry pi it's better to use less cores, expecially if you still have to build openFrameworks.

The built pixelscript executable will be in np-pixelscript/pixelscript/bin


I support you, you support me!
If you find this code useful, consider fueling me with coffee!


np-pixelscript Nicola Pisanti MIT License 2019
ofxLua Copyright (c) Dan Wilcox 2011-2017, MIT License
luaJIT Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Mike Pall, MIT License