FFXIV Mitigation Timeline

This project is designed to allow you to customize a mitigation plan for encounters in Final Fantasy 14.

The site is currently in an alpha state and deployed to https://ffxiv-cooldown-planner.azurewebsites.net/.

Additional Feature Ideas

  • Support for p9s, p12s1, and p12s2
  • Showing unmitigated damage, % mit, and damage given the applied mitigation
  • Letting you hide abilities you aren't interested in
  • Taking into account ability charges and other resources (aetherflow, oath gauge, etc.)

Development Environment

This website is built on asp.net Blazor Server. Follow these instructions for installing the .net framework. Main development is done through Visual Studio 2022, but there is decent built-in integration with VS Code for an editor.

Building the Site

  • In Visual Studio, right click the project and Build.
  • Alternately, run dotnet build in the project's directory.

Running the Site Locally

  • In Visual Studio, click the "https" button near the time.
  • Alternately, (and I haven't tested this since swapping to Blazor Server), run dotnet watch in the project's directory.
    • As you make changes, many changes can be hot-reloaded and automatically display. You may occassionally make "rude edits" and need to rebuild the app. Pay attention to the console window as you save edits.

Running Tests


Deployment is done through Visual Studio publish profiles.

  1. Right click the project and select Publish.
  2. Follow the prompts to deploy using the ffxiv-cooldown-planner Web Deploy.pubxml file


Job Ability Icons

Job ability icons are sourced from the official job guides.


  1. Load a page for a job and View Page Source
  2. Copy entire source into a sublime text file
  3. Find all entries matching tooltip=".+"><img src=".+" width and copy the results into a new tab. Ensure regex support is on.
  4. Find/Replace All, finding all tooltip="(.+)"><img src="(.+)" width with $1\n$2\n. Ensure regex support is on.
  5. For each ability, copy the URI into the job data file.

More manual process for jobs with few abilities:

  1. Right click an icon and Inspect
  2. Expand the div to see the img, copy the address and paste it into the job data file.

Adding new fights

  1. Create a json file under Configuration\boss-data with the boss's abilities and timeline.
  2. Find a picture for the boss and store it in wwwroot\boss-data. The image should be twice as wide as it is tall.
  3. Update bossDataProviderOptions.bosses in appsettings.json to point to the above files.