
simple lamp scripts used for setting up servers

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

LAMP Scripts

This is a collection of old school bash script that i've created in order to provision a LAMP Server. Theses scripts are tested on Debian 8 (Jessie).

Warning : these scripts have been made for my personal use. I'm not a sysadmin so you should use them at your own risks.


# Copy theses file on your new server
$ cd /path/to/lamp
$ ./lamp.sh
# MySQL ROOT password an deploy user password will be stored in LAMP_RESULT.txt
$ cat LAMP_RESULT.txt
$ ./varnish.sh
# The script will prompt the port you want Varnish to use. You can leave it empty, it will use the defaut 6081 port
# Make sure you have configured your DNS so that your domain name redirect to the server
$ ./vhost.sh
# Enter your domain name
$ ./mysql.sh
# Enter the MySQL root password and the name of the user/database you want to create

lamp.sh script

Setup of a LAMP Stack :

  • Apache 2.4 with some security features
  • PHP7 installed from DotDeb Repositories
  • MySQLServer
  • IPTables with standard ports for a LAMP Stack (Ping, 22, 10022, 53, 80, 443, 25, 587, 110, 143, 123)
  • Fail2Ban with standard setup for Apache
  • Git, Vim, curl

varnish.sh script

Install Varnish 4 and specific settings (contained in varnish/default.vcl). This file is tested fot PHP / Symfony Web applications.

mysql.sh script

Provision a user and a database


Create a vhost and the corresponding Apache configuration. This script use getssl, which allows to generate a SSL certificate thanks to Let's encrypt.

If Varnish is detected, the script will create an Apache reverse SSL proxy.


  • Improove security best practice configs
  • Use PHP FPM ?