
Ansible playbook to install Satellite Server 6.3.x

Build Satellite server

Ansible playbooks to setup and configure Satellite 6.31
This playbook will perform the following steps:

  • Register to RHSM or Setup disconnected environment
  • Install common packages and update the system
  • Install Satellite 6.32
  • Configure Satellite 6.32 with basic configurations


  • ansible-playbook -i inventory.txt satellite.yml

Ansible playbook to configure common systems usage:

  • ansible-playbook -i inventory.txt common.yml

Key files:

inventory.txt - inventory file group list
satellite.yml - satellite install playbook for satellite group
common.yml - common configuration playbook for common group
/group_vars/all/main.yml - variables file /roles/satellite/files/satellite_manifest.zip (must be provided by user)


common - used to setup all hosts / register with RHN
satellite - Install and configure Satellite 6.3.1 disconnected_common disconnected_satellite

Minimum System Requirements for roles:

  • common = RHEL7.x with 20GB drive
  • satellite = RHEL7.4 with 2 drives (20GB & 200GB or more recommended)

Variables usage

Variables are all located in the variable file (/group/vars/all/main.yml).
Some of these variables should be updated, per the environment.

Variables to be updated include: #RHN Variables

  • vault_rhn_user: ""
  • vault_rhn_pwd: ""
  • rhn_pool_name: ""

#Satellite Variables

  • vault_sat_admin_name: "sat_admin"
  • vault_sat_admin_pwd: "redhat!redhat!"

#Disk Variable

  • new_disk: '/dev/sdb'