Step #1 - QA OpenStack Setup for Tower

  1. On your laptop, provision the workstation to accept OpenStack related configurations.
  • On workstation node issue the following commands:
    • wget
    • cat >> /home/cloud-user/.ssh/authorized_keys
    • wget
    • sudo yum -y install 'ls *epel*.rpm'
    • sudo yum install -y python python-devel python-pip gcc ansible
    • sudo pip install shade
    • sudo mkdir /etc/openstack
    • Create configuration file:
      sudo cat << EOF > /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml
              password: r3dh4t1!
              project_name: admin
              username: admin
            identity_api_version: '3.0'
            region_name: RegionOne
          use_hostnames: True
          expand_hostvars: False
          fail_on_errors: True
    • Create additional configuration file:
      sudo cat << EOF > /etc/openstack/osp_image.yml
        - hosts: localhost
          become: yes
          gather_facts: false
          - name: download RHEL image
            dest: /root/rhel-guest-image-7.2-20151102.0.x86_64.qcow2
          - os_image:
              cloud: ospcloud
              name: rhel-guest
              container_format: bare
              disk_format: qcow2
              state: present
              filename: /root/rhel-guest-image-7.2-20151102.0.x86_64.qcow2
    • ansible-playbook /etc/openstack/osp_image.yml
    • ansible localhost -m os_auth -a cloud=ospcloud
    • ansible localhost -m os_user_facts -a cloud=ospcloud -v
    • Create a new OSP flavor:
      cat << EOF > osp_flavor.yml
      - hosts: jumpbox
          - name: Create m2.small flavor
              cloud: ospcloud
              state: present
              name: m2.small
              ram: 2048
              vcpus: 1
              disk: 10
    • ansible-playbook osp_flavor.yml

Step #2 - Production AWS Setup for Tower

Credentials in order to communicate with AWS instances should be set up in the following manner:

  1. Set up your project.
    • Name your project.
    • Set the SCM Type to Git.
    • Set the repo to this repo that you cloned.
  2. Set up the AWS Inventory.
    • Name it accordingly under the Details tab.
    • From the Sources tab:
      • Click Add Source.
        • Set Name to reference later on.
        • Source should be Amazon EC2.
        • Set the Credential to the teacher supplied AWS RO Credential.
        • Region should be US East (Northern Virginia).
        • Set the Instance Filters to Or, whatever your resource identifer is.
    • TODO: Put section here about adding the groups pointing to AWS Groups for reference later on in the Provision_AWS.yml playbook.
  3. Set up credentials in order for Ansible Tower to communicate to 3 Tier Resources.
    • Acquire the GUID setup from OpenTLC.
    • ssh to your bastion machine:
      [laptop ]$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    • Get the key information from the bastion:
      sudo cat /root/.ssh/${GUID}key.pem 
    • In Ansible Tower, go to Settings (Gear) -> Credentials -> Create a New Credential
    • Fill the following out:
      • Name
      • Description
      • Organization should be Default.
      • Credential Type is Machine.
      • Selecting Machine brings up additional information to fill out:
        • Username should be ec2-user.
        • Password should be blank.
        • SSH Private Key should now get the key from sudo cat /root/.ssh/${GUID}key.pem.
        • Privilege Escalation Method is set to sudo.
      • When all the information is filled out, click Save.
  4. Everything is now ready for setting up a Template in order to deploy the Ansible Playbook for provisioning AWS.
    • Click the Templates tab. Click Add and then click Job Template.
    • Set the Name to reference later on. Description as well.
    • Job Type should be set to Run.
    • Inventory should be set to what you named your filtered inventory to.
    • Project should be set to your project name created in step #1.
    • Playbook should be set to the correct playbook from the git repo cloned in step #1. In this case, set it to Provision_AWS.yml.
    • Credential should be set to what you named your credentials in step #3.

3. Setup Workflow Template