GDAY simulates carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus & water dynamics

Primary LanguageC

GDAY model

GDAY (Generic Decomposition And Yield) is a simple ecosystem model that simulates carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus (CNP) and water dynamics at the stand scale (Comins and McMurtrie, 1993; Medlyn et al. 2000; Corbeels et al. 2005a,b).

The model can be run at either a daily time step, or a 30-minute time step. When the model is run at the sub-daily timescale, photosynthesis is calculated using a two-leaf (sunlit/shade) approximation (de Pury and Farquhar, 1997; Wang and Leuning, 1998), otherwise photosynthesis is calculated following Sands (1995;1996). The sub-daily approach (photosynthesis & leaf energy balance) mirrors MAESPA, without the complexity of the radiation treatment. In the standard model the water balance is represented simply, with two (fixed) soil water "buckets", which represent a top soil (e.g. 5 cm) and a larger root-zone. If you are using the sub-daily version, there is now the option to use a SPA-style representation of hydraulics. GDAY-SPA resolves multiple soil layers, soil and leaf water potential and limits gas exchange following the Emax approach (see MAESPA for more details).

GDAY uses a modified version of the CENTURY model to simulate soil carbon, nutrient and phosphorus dynamics (Parton et al. 1987; 1993). The treatment of P is taken from a combination of approaches following CENTURY, CABLE and CLM-P (Yang and Post, 2011; Walker et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2007; Yang et al. 2014; Ellsworth et al. 2015).

Fig. 1: Pools and fluxes of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the GDAY model.


To get the code your best route is probably to fork the repository, there is a nice explanation on github.

The model is coded entirely in C without any dependancies. The wrapper files for the example scripts and the script used to change parameter options, are written in python. The old python version is still online.

There is a Makefile in the src directory...

$ make clean ; make

The Makefile will need to be edited by hand to set the $ARCH flag, which sets the installation path. Currently it is hardwired to my computer.

Running the model

A simple model usage can be displayed by calling GDAY as follows:

$ gday -u

Presently, there are only two options which the user can set via the command line. All model options, including all of the model parameters are customisable via the parameter file.

To spin-up GDAY:

$ gday -s -p param_file.cfg

To run GDAY:

$ gday -p param_file.cfg

When the model is run it expects to find its "model state" (i.e. from a previous spin-up) in the parameter file. This state is automatically written the parameter file after the initial spin-up when the "print_options" flag has been set to "end", rather than "daily".

Parameter file

GDAY expects a parameter file to be supplied as an argument (-p filename) on the command line. Parameter files follow the standard .INI format, although only a simple INI parser has been coded into GDAY.

Parameter files are broken down into 6 section, namely [git], [files], [params], [control], [state] and [print]. The order of these sections shouldn't make any difference. The basic element contained in the parameter file is the key or property. Every key has a name and a value, delimited by an equals sign (=). The name appears to the left of the equals sign.

eac = 79430.0

As mentioned above, keys are grouped into sections:

alloc_model = allometric
deciduous_model = false


cfg_fname = params/NCEAS_DUKE_model_youngforest_amb.cfg
met_fname = met_data/DUKE_met_data_amb_co2.csv
out_fname = outputs/D1GDAYDUKEAMB.csv
out_param_fname = params/NCEAS_DUKE_model_simulation_amb.cfg

As all the model parameters are accessible via this file, these files can be quite long. Clearly it isn't necessary to list every parameter. The recommended approach is to use the base file and then customise whichever parameters are required via a shell script, e.g. see the python wrapper script. This file just lists the parameters which needs to be changed and calls adjust_gday_param_file.py to swap the parameters (listed as a python dictionary) with the default parameter. I have also written an equivalent version in R adjust_gday_param_file.R. I should highlight that I wouldn't necessarily trust the default values :).

Finally, the options to print different the state and flux variables on the fly is a nice hangover from the python implementation. Sadly, this functionality doesn't actually exist in the C code, instead all the state and flux variables used in the FACE intercomparisons are dumped as standard.

When I have time I will write something more extensive (ha), but information about what different variable names refer to are listed in the header file, which documents the different structures (i.e. control, state, params).

The git hash allows you to connect which version of the model code produced which version of the model output. I'd argue for maintaining this functionality, but if you don't use git or wish to ignore me, filling this line with gibberish and disabling the shell command in the Makefile should allow you to do this.

Potential gotchas

  • The parameter alpha_j which represents the quantum yield of electron transport (mol mol-1) is the intrinsic quantum yield (i.e. per unit APAR). For the two-leaf version of the model, alpha_j should be divided by (1.0 - omega), where omega is the leaf scattering coefficient of PAR (leaf reflectance and transmittance combined). Currently we are assuming omega = 0.15 (radiation.c), this is currently hardwired.

  • The deciduous phenology scheme does not currently work with the two-leaf version of the model (can be fixed).

  • The current set-up of the model resulted in pmineralisation to be negative from time to time during the spin-up process, as plittreelase can be a negatvie value, and pmineralisation is the result of pgross - pimmob + plittrelease. This resulted in potentially negative total P input from organic to (lab+sorb) mineral P pool, and from time to time, influx into sorbed P pool can be negative. This only affects the spin-up process and seems to not affect the equilibrated results so leave as is for now.

Meteorological driving file

30-minute file:

Variable Description Units
doy day of year [1-365/6]
hod hour of day [0-47]
rain rainfall mm 30 min-1
par photosynthetically active radiation umol m-2 s-1
tair air temperature deg C
tsoil soil temperature deg C
vpd vapour pressure deficit kPa
co2 CO2 concentration ppm
ndep nitrogen deposition t ha-1 30 min-1
nfix biological nitrogen fixation t ha-1 30 min-1
wind wind speed m s-1
press atmospheric pressure kPa

Day file:

Variable Description Units
doy day of year [0-365/6]
tair (daylight) air temperature deg C
rain rainfall mm day-1
tsoil soil temperature deg C
tam morning air temperature deg C
tpm afternoon air temperature deg C
tmin minimum (day) air temperature deg C
tmax minimum (day) air temperature deg C
tday day average air temperature (24 hrs) deg C
vpd_am morning vapour pressure deficit kPa
vpd_pm afternoon vapour pressure deficit kPa
co2 CO2 concentration ppm
ndep nitrogen deposition t ha-1 day-1
nfix biological nitrogen fixation t ha-1 day-1
wind wind speed m s-1
press atmospheric pressure kPa
wind_am morning wind speed m s-1
wind_pm afternoon wind speed m s-1
par_am morning photosynthetically active radiation MJ m-2 d-1
par_am afternoon photosynthetically active radiation MJ m-2 d-1

Nitrogen inputs

Nitrogen (N) entering the system via biological N fixation (BNF; tonnes ha-1 yr-1) and N deposition (tonnes ha-1 yr-1) are prescribed and passed via the met file. If information isn't available from the experiment GDAY is being applied to, BNF can be calculated as a function of evapotranspiration (ET) based on Cleveland et al. 1999.

Following Smith et al. (2014), Biogeosciences and Wieder et al. (2015), ERL, we also suggest the conservation BNF equation (Fig. 1). For estimates of ET you can either use values by PFT based on Table 1 in Cleveland or use the sum of canopy evaporation and transpiration. Wieder et al (pg 3) argued that using total ET leads to a high bias in BNF estimates in arid regions.

BNF (kg N ha-1 yr-1) is then calculated as a function of ET:

BNF = 0.102 * (ET * mm_2_cm) + 0.524

Phosphorus component

Organic phosphorus (P) pools and fluxes follow the same modelling structure as the nitrogen. A total of five inorganic phosphorus pools are implemented: labile, sorbed, strongly sorbed, occluded and parent pools. Inorganic phosphorus enters into the system via a constant input rate (this will be change very soon) from the parent material pool. Labile and sorbed pools are in dynamic equilibration, and P gradually enters into the strongly sorbed pool and is eventually locked up in the occluded pool. Biochemical mineralisation occurs as a function of nitrogen availability. Phosphorus in the plant limits photosynthesis through its explicit effect on Jmax and a potential effect on Triose-phosphates.


From SPA we borrow the multi-layer soil scheme, which considers infiltration and drainage between layers. We also implement the soil-to-leaf hydraulics from SPA, which includes weighting soil water potential. We limit gas exchange following the Emax approach (Duursma et al. 2008). This approach therefore assumes isohydric behaviour, i.e. the plant maintains a leaf water potential above a critical minimum value.

We do not currently implement the thermal calculations which would allow you to estimate soil temperature.

Example run

The example directory has two python scripts which provide an example of how one might set about running the model. example.py simulates the DUKE FACE experiment and run_experiment.py is just nice a wrapper script around this which produces a plot at the end comparing the data to the observations.

cd example/
python run_experiment.py

This should pop a plot of NPP, LAI and transpiration onto your screen. This example tends to break from time to time when I change various options, so please let me know if it isn't working!

NB to use this wrapper script you will need to have an installation of the Pandas and Matplotlib libraries installed. If you are a python user this is fairly standard.

Key References

  1. Comins, H. N. and McMurtrie, R. E. (1993) Long-Term Response of Nutrient-Limited Forests to CO2 Enrichment; Equilibrium Behavior of Plant-Soil Models. Ecological Applications, 3, 666-681.
  2. Medlyn, B. E., McMurtrie, R. E., Dewar, R. C. and Jeffreys, M. P. (2000), Soil processes dominate the long-term response of forest net primary productivity to increased temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 30, 873–888.
  3. Corbeels M, McMurtrie RE, Pepper DA, O’Connell AM (2005a) A process-based model for nitrogen cycling in forest planta- tions Part I. Structure, calibration and analysis of decomposi- tion model. Ecological Modelling, 187, 426–448.
  4. Corbeels M, McMurtrie RE, Pepper DA, O’Connell AM (2005b) A process-based model for nitrogen cycling in forest planta- tions Part II. Simulating growth and nitrogen mineralisation of Eucalyptus globulus plantations in south-western Australia. Ecological Modelling, 187, 449–474.
  5. Sands PJ (1995) Modelling canopy production. II. From single-leaf photosynthetic parameters to daily canopy photosynthesis. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 22, 603-614.
  6. Sands PJ (1996) Modelling canopy production. III. Canopy light-utilisation efficiency and its sensitivity to physiological environmental variables. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 23, 103-114.
  7. de Pury, D.G.G., Farquhar, G.D. (1997) Simple scaling of photosynthesis from leaves to canopies without the errors of big-leaf models. Plant, Cell and Environment, 20, 537-557.
  8. Wang, Y-P. and Leuning R. (1998) A two-leaf model for canopy conductance, photosynthesis and portioning of available energy I: Model description and comparison with a multi-layered model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 91, 89–111.
  9. Parton, W.J., Schimel, D.S., Cole, C.V., and Ojima, D.S. (1987) Analysis of factors controlling soil organic matter levels in Great Plains grasslands. Soil Sc. Soc. Am. J. 51: 1173–1179.
  10. Parton, W.J., Scurlock, J.M.O., Ojima, D.S., Gilmanov, T.G., Scholes, R.J., Schimel, D.S., Kirchner, T., Menaut, J.-C., Seastedt, T., Garcia Moya, E. Kamnalrut, A., and Kinyamario, J.I. (1993) Observations and modeling of biomass and soil or- ganic matter dynamics for the grassland biome worldwide. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 7: 785–809.
  11. Duursma, RA and Kolari, P and Perämäki, M and Nikinmaa, E and Hari, P and Delzon, S and Loustau, D and Ilvesniemi, H and Pumpanen, J and Mäkelä, A. (2008) Predicting the decline in daily maximum transpiration rate of two pine stands during drought based on constant minimum leaf water potential and plant hydraulic conductance. Tree physiology, 28, 265-276.
  12. Duusma, R. A. and Medlyn, B. E. (2012) MAESPA: a model to study interactions between water limitation, environmental drivers and vegetation function at tree and stand levels, with an example application to [CO2] x drought interactions. Geoscientific Model Development, 5, 919-940.
  13. Yang and Post, 2011. Phosphorus transformations as a function of pedogenesis: a synthesis of soil phosphorus data using Hedley fractionation method. Biogeosciences, 8:2907-2916.
  14. Walker, A.P., I. Aranda, A.P. Beckerman, H. Bown, L.A. Cernusak, Q.L. Dang, T.F. Domingues, L. Gu, S. Guo, Q. Han, J. Kattge, M. Kubiske, D. Manter, E. Merilo, G. Midgley, A. Porte, J.C. Scales, D. Tissue, T. Turnbull, C. Warren, G. Wohlfahrt, F.I. Woodward, and S.D. Wullschleger. 2014. A Global Data Set of Leaf Photosynthetic Rates, Leaf N and P, and Specific Leaf Area. Data set. Available on-line [http://daac.ornl.gov] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. http://dx.doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1224.
  15. Wang, Y.-P., B.Z. Houston and C.B. Field, 2007. A model of biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus including symbiotic nitrogen fixation and phosphatase production. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21: GB1018.
  16. Yang, X., P.E. Thornton, D.M. Ricciuto, and W.M. Post, 2014. The role of phosphorus dynamics in tropical forests - a modeling study using CLM-CNP. Biogeosciences, 11:1667-1681.
  17. Ellsworth, D.S., et al., 2015. Phosphorus recycling in photorespiration maintains high photosynthetic capacity in woody species. Plant, Cell and Environment, 38: 1142-1156.
