
Download and process GIMMS3g NDVI binary data

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Introducing the R 'gimms' package

What it is all about

We've been collecting functions related to the download and processing of AVHRR GIMMS data for quite some time and with the most recent update to NDVI3g (Pinzon and Tucker, 2014), we thought it was a good time to stuff the most fundamental work steps into a proper R package. In this context, 'most fundamental' refers to certain operations which we tended to repeat over and over again, including

  • list all GIMMS files available online at NASA ECOCAST,
  • download selected (or all) files,
  • re-arrange the list of downloaded files according to date,
  • transform binary data in ENVI format to proper raster format (Hijmans, 2015) and
  • aggregate the bi-monthly datasets to monthly maximum value composites (MVC).

In the following, you'll find a short introduction of what we came up with so far. Feel free to comment, raise issues and provide (constructive) criticism. Any suggestions on how to improve the gimms package are highly appreciated!

How to install

The gimms package is now officially on CRAN and can be install directly via

# ## install 'gimms' package
# install.packages("gimms")

## load 'gimms' package

If you wish to install the development version including latest bug-fixes etc. instead (no liability assumed!), directly install the package from GitHub via install_github from the devtools package (Wickham and Chang, 2015).

# ## install 'gimms' package
# library(devtools)
# install_github("environmentalinformatics-marburg/gimms", ref = "develop")

## load 'gimms' package

There is no 'development' branch yet, but be assured that such a thing will possibly be opened in the near-distant future given that there is a need for further functionality, improvements, bug-fixes etc.

List available files

For any subsequent processing steps, it is helpful to know which GIMMS files are currently hosted on the [ECOCAST servers]((http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/). updateInventory has been designed just for that purpose as it imports the file inventory stored online in 00FILE-LIST.txt as 'character' vector directly into R. By setting sort = TRUE, it is even possible to return the output sorted by date which is anything but intuitive when dealing with naming conventions in the form of 'geo83sep15a.n07-VI3g'). If there is no active internet connection available, updateInventory automatically imports the latest offline version of the file inventory which is stored (and regularly updated) in 'inst/extdata/inventory.rds'. Additionally setting sort = TRUE tells the function to return the list of available files sorted by date in ascending order.

gimms_files <- updateInventory(sort = TRUE)
## Trying to update GIMMS inventory from server...
## Online update of the GIMMS file inventory successful!
##  [1] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81jul15a.n07-VI3g"
##  [2] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81jul15b.n07-VI3g"
##  [3] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81aug15a.n07-VI3g"
##  [4] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81aug15b.n07-VI3g"
##  [5] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81sep15a.n07-VI3g"
##  [6] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81sep15b.n07-VI3g"
##  [7] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81oct15a.n07-VI3g"
##  [8] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81oct15b.n07-VI3g"
##  [9] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81nov15a.n07-VI3g"
## [10] "http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/data/pub/gimms/3g.v0/1980s_new/geo81nov15b.n07-VI3g"

Download files

With the information about files currently hosted on the remote server at hand, the next logical step of the gimms processing chain is to download selected (if not all) bi-monthly datasets. This can be achieved by running downloadGimms, but since the function works with different types of input parameters (if any), some ex ante information is possibly helpful to explain the function's proper use.

'missing' input = download entire collection

Specifying no particular input is possibly the most straightforward way of data acquisition. The function will automatically start to download the entire collection of files (currently July 1981 to December 2013) and store the data in dsn. It is up to the user's judgement to set overwrite = TRUE which would tell R to overwrite previously downloaded data located in dsn. In most cases, however, such a behavior is not particularly desirable, and instead setting overwrite = FALSE would simply tell R to skip the currently processed file.

## download entire gimms collection
downloadGimms(dsn = paste0(getwd(), "/data"))
'numeric' input = download temporal range

It is also possibly to specify a start year (x) and/or end year (y) to limit the temporal coverage of the datasets to be downloaded. In case x (or y) is missing, data download will automatically start from the first (or finish with the last) year available.

## download gimms data from 1998-2000
downloadGimms(x = 1998, y = 2000, 
              dsn = paste0(getwd(), "/data"))
'character' input = download particular files

As a third and final possibility to run downloadGimms, it is also possible to supply a 'character' vector consisting of valid online filepaths. The latter can easily be retrieved from updateInventory (as demonstrated above) and directly passed on to the input argument x.

## download manually selected files
downloadGimms(x = gimms_files[c(98:110, 132)], 
              dsn = paste0(getwd(), "/data"))

Rearrange files

As mentioned above, it is possible to have updateInventory return a vector of filenames sorted by date in ascending order. Sorting the files surely makes sense when it comes to stack-ing continuous observations, calculating monthly MVC layers and so forth, but is not necessarily required at the initial stage. updateInventory(sort = TRUE) is merely a wrapper around rearrangeFiles which may as well be executed as a stand-alone version later on.

rearrangeFiles works in two different ways, either with a 'character' vector of (local or online) filenames passed on to x or with list.files-style pattern matching. While the former approach is quite straightforward, the latter requires the function to search the folder dsn for previously downloaded files matching a particular pattern (typically starting with the default setting "^geo"). Importing a sorted vector of already downloaded files from 2013, for instance, would work as follows.

rearrangeFiles(dsn = paste0(getwd(), "/data"), 
               pattern = "^geo13")
##  [1] "geo13jan15a.n19-VI3g" "geo13jan15b.n19-VI3g" "geo13feb15a.n19-VI3g"
##  [4] "geo13feb15b.n19-VI3g" "geo13mar15a.n19-VI3g" "geo13mar15b.n19-VI3g"
##  [7] "geo13apr15a.n19-VI3g" "geo13apr15b.n19-VI3g" "geo13may15a.n19-VI3g"
## [10] "geo13may15b.n19-VI3g" "geo13jun15a.n19-VI3g" "geo13jun15b.n19-VI3g"
## [13] "geo13jul15a.n19-VI3g" "geo13jul15b.n19-VI3g" "geo13aug15a.n19-VI3g"
## [16] "geo13aug15b.n19-VI3g" "geo13sep15a.n19-VI3g" "geo13sep15b.n19-VI3g"
## [19] "geo13oct15a.n19-VI3g" "geo13oct15b.n19-VI3g" "geo13nov15a.n19-VI3g"
## [22] "geo13nov15b.n19-VI3g" "geo13dec15a.n19-VI3g" "geo13dec15b.n19-VI3g"

Create a header file

In order to import the GIMMS binary files into R via raster::raster, the creation of header files (.hdr) that are located in the same folder as the binary files staged for processing is mandatory. The standard files required to properly process GIMMS NDVI3g data are created via createHdr and typically include the following parameters.

## [1] "ENVI"
## [1] "description = { R-language data }"
## [1] "samples = 2160"
## [1] "lines = 4320"
## [1] "bands = 1"
## [1] "data type = 2"
## [1] "header offset = 0"
## [1] "interleave = bsq"
## [1] "byte order = 1"

It is possibly to automatically remove the created header files by setting rasterizeGimms(..., remove_hdr = TRUE) once all operations have finished. Although rasterizeGimms automatically invokes createHdr, the function also runs as stand-alone version.

## create gimms ndvi3g standard header file
gimms_header <- createHdr("~/geo13jul15a.n19-VI3g")

## [1] "~/geo13jul15a.n19-VI3g.hdr"
## [1] "ENVI"                              "description = { R-language data }"
## [3] "samples = 2160"                    "lines = 4320"                     
## [5] "bands = 1"                         "data type = 2"                    
## [7] "header offset = 0"                 "interleave = bsq"                 
## [9] "byte order = 1"

Rasterize downloaded data

rasterizeGimms is possibly the core part of the gimms package as it transforms the downloaded GIMMS files from native binary format into objects of class 'Raster*', which is much easier to handle as compared to simple ENVI files. The function works with both single and multiple files passed on to x and, in the case of the latter, returns a 'RasterStack' rather than a single 'RasterLayer'. It is up to the user to decide whether or not to discard 'mask-water' values (-10,000) and 'mask-nodata' values (-5,000) (see also the official README). Also, the application of the scaling factor (1/10,000) is not mandatory. Taking the above set of gimms_files (Jul-Dec 2013) as input vector (notice the full.names argument passed on to list.files in the example below), the function call looks as follows.

## list available files
gimms_files <- rearrangeFiles(dsn = paste0(getwd(), "/data"), 
                              pattern = "^geo13", full.names = TRUE)

## rasterize files
gimms_raster <- rasterizeGimms(gimms_files)

Since this operation usually takes some time, we highly recommend to make use of the filename argument that automatically invokes raster::writeRaster. With a little bit of effort and the help of RColorBrewer (Neuwirth, 2014) and spplot (Pebesma and Bivand, 2005; Bivand, Pebesma, and Gomez-Rubio, 2013), it is now easy to check whether everything worked out fine.

## adjust layer names
names(gimms_raster) <- basename(gimms_files)

## visualize single layers
       at = seq(-0.2, 1, 0.1), 
       scales = list(draw = TRUE), 
       col.regions = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, "BrBG")))


Figure 1.Global bi-monthly GIMMS NDVI3g images from July to December 2013.

Generate monthly composites

Sometimes, it is required to calculate monthly value composites from the bi-monthly GIMMS datasets, e.g. to ensure temporal overlap with some other ecological or eco-climatological time series. gimms features a function called monthlyComposite which works both on vectors of filenames and entire 'RasterStack' objects (ideally returned by rasterizeGimms) and calculates monthly values based on a user-defined function (e.g. fun = max to create monthly MVC layers). Needless to say, the function is heavily based on stackApply from the fabulous raster package and assumes numeric vectors of monthly indices (or text substrings from pos1 to pos2 from which to deduce such indices, see ?monthlyIndices) as input variable. The actual code work is relatively straightforward.

## .tif files created during the previous step
gimms_files_tif <- sapply(gimms_raster@layers, function(i) attr(i@file, "name"))

## create monthly maximum value composites
gimms_raster_mvc <- monthlyComposite(gimms_files_tif)

Again and this time with a little help from reshape2 (Wickham, 2007) and ggplot2 (Wickham, 2009), the effects from monthlyComposite can easily be seen. Displayed below are the densityplots of all NDVI values during the 1st half of July 1981 (green), during the 2nd half of July 1981 (turquoise) and the resulting MVC values (black).

## concatenate data
val <- data.frame("ndvi_15a" = na.omit(getValues(gimms_raster[[1]])), 
                  "ndvi_15b" = na.omit(getValues(gimms_raster[[2]])), 
                  "ndvi_mvc" = na.omit(getValues(gimms_raster_mvc[[1]])))

## wide to long format
val_mlt <- melt(val)

## colors
cols <- envinmrPalette(5)[c(3, 2, 5)]
names(cols) <- levels(val_mlt$variable)

## linetypes
ltys <- c("solid", "solid", "longdash")
names(ltys) <- levels(val_mlt$variable)

## build ggplot
ggplot(aes(x = value, group = variable, colour = variable, 
           linetype = variable), data = val_mlt) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = .5, colour = "grey65") +
  geom_line(stat = "density", size = 1.2) + 
  scale_colour_manual("dataset", values = cols) + 
  scale_linetype_manual("dataset", values = ltys) + 
  labs(x = "\nNDVI", y = "Density\n") + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), 
        legend.key.width = grid::unit(1.8, "cm"))


Figure 2. Kernel density distribution of GIMMS NDVI3g values during the first (green) and second half of July 2013 (turquoise) and resulting value distribution of the maximum value composite layer (MVC; black).

Some considerations on code performance

In order to speed things up a little bit, it is quite easy to add multi-core functionality to the operations provided by gimms. This is particularly applicable to rasterizeGimms with raster::writeRaster option enabled, i.e. parameter filename specified. When run in parallel, the operation performs considerably faster as compared to the base implementation.

## first, the base version from above
                 filename = paste0(gimms_files, ".tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
#    user  system elapsed 
#  48.142   3.003  54.535

## next, the parallelized version
rasterizeGimmsParallel <- function(files, nodes = 4, overwrite = FALSE, ...) {

# create and register parallel backend
cl <- makeCluster(nodes)

# loop over 'x' and process single files in parallel
ls_rst <- foreach(i = files, .packages = "gimms", 
                  .export = ls(envir = globalenv())) %dopar% {
                    filename <- paste0(i, ".tif")
                    if (overwrite | !file.exists(filename)) {
                      rasterizeGimms(i, filename = filename, overwrite = TRUE, ...)
                    } else {
                      raster(i, crs = "+init=epsg:4326")

# deregister parallel backend

# return stacked layers

  rasterizeGimmsParallel(gimms_files, overwrite = TRUE)
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.142   0.102  29.144

In the context of parallel processing, feel free to also browse the advanced applications based on GIMMS NDVI3g data below. There are some more examples included demonstrating the reasonable use of doParallel functionality (Analytics and Weston, 2014) along with the gimms package, which is probably particulary applicable for downloadGimms (given that your internet connection is fast enough to manage multi-core file downloads).

Advanced applications

The last section of this brief introduction is meant to demonstrate the use of GIMMS NDVI3g data in a more practical sense. Note that all necessary work steps are briefly documented as in-line comments. Perhaps it might be interesting for some of you...

Global Mann-Kendall trend based on GIMMS NDVI3g
## download data

## download entire gimms ndvi3g collection in parallel
cl <- makeCluster(4)

gimms_files <- updateInventory(sort = TRUE)
gimms_files <- foreach(i = gimms_files, .packages = "gimms", 
                       .combine = "c") %dopar% downloadGimms(i, dsn = "data/")


## rasterize binary files

## rasterize gimms ndvi3g binary files in parallel (see above function 
## definition of `rasterizeGimmsParallel`)
gimms_raster <- rasterizeGimmsParallel(gimms_files, overwrite = TRUE)

## remove incomplete first year
gimms_files <- gimms_files[-(1:12)]
gimms_raster <- gimms_raster[[-(1:12)]]

## resample to a lower spatial resolution (to avoid stack overflow)

## aggregate to a lower spatial resolution
cl <- makeCluster(4)

gimms_raster_agg <- foreach(i = 1:nlayers(gimms_raster), 
                            .packages = c("raster", "rgdal")) %dopar%
  aggregate(gimms_raster[[i]], fact = 3, fun = median, 
            filename = paste0("data/agg/AGG_", names(gimms_raster[[i]])), 
            format = "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE)

gimms_raster_agg <- stack(gimms_raster_agg)

## remove seasonal signal

## calculate long-term bi-monthly means
gimms_list_means <- foreach(i = 1:24, 
                            .packages = c("raster", "rgdal")) %dopar% {
  # layers corresponding to current period (e.g. '82jan15a')
  id <- seq(i, nlayers(gimms_raster_agg), 24)
  gimms_raster_agg_tmp <- gimms_raster_agg[[id]]
  # calculate long-term mean of current period (e.g. for 1982-2013 'jan15a')
  calc(gimms_raster_agg_tmp, fun = mean, na.rm = TRUE)

gimms_raster_means <- stack(gimms_list_means)

## replicate bi-monthly 'gimms_raster_means' to match up with number of layers of 
## initial 'gimms_raster_agg' (as `foreach` does not support recycling!)
gimms_list_means <- replicate(nlayers(gimms_raster_agg) / nlayers(gimms_raster_means), 
gimms_raster_means <- stack(gimms_list_means)

## subtract long-term mean from bi-monthly values
files_out <- names(gimms_raster_agg)
gimms_list_deseason <- foreach(i = 1:nlayers(gimms_raster_agg), 
                               .packages = c("raster", "rgdal")) %dopar% {
  rst <- gimms_raster_agg[[i]] - gimms_raster_means[[i]]
  rst <- writeRaster(rst, 
                     filename = paste0("data/dsn/DSN_", names(gimms_raster_agg[[i]])), 
                     format = "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE)

gimms_raster_deseason <- stack(gimms_list_deseason)

## mann-kendall trend test (p < 0.001)

## custom function that returns significant values of tau only

significantTau <- function(x) {
  mk <- MannKendall(x)
  # reject value of tau if p >= 0.001
  if (mk$sl >= 0.001) {
  # keep value of tau if p < 0.001
  } else {

## apply custom function on a pixel basis
gimms_raster_trend <- overlay(gimms_raster_deseason, fun = significantTau, 
                              filename = "data/out/gimms_mk001_8213", 
                              format = "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE)

## visualize data

## complementary shapefile data

## colors, see http://colorbrewer2.org/
cols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, "BrBG"))

## create plot
spplot(gimms_raster_trend, col.regions = cols(100), scales = list(draw = TRUE), 
       sp.layout = list("sp.polygons", countriesCoarse, col = "grey65"), 
       at = seq(-.6, .6, .1))


Figure 3. Long-term trend (1982-2013; p<0.01) in global GIMMS NDVI3g derived from pixel-based Mann-Kendall trend tests (Mann, 1945).