Pinned Repositories
A 3D cellular automata simulation synchronized with electronic music.
An extension of the stable marriages problem which implements a novel algorithm that I created. The algorithms finds the optimum invigilation schedule that satisfies a group of n teachers (or other individuals) that must proctor m exams.
This repository will contain different techniques for bypassing captchas.
In this paper I introduce a new oral lesion database that I created by scraping Images from research papers and dentists online. Next, I showcase a novel method for generating NxN pixel samples from human lips by isolating the labial fissure via image segmentation induced via the Kmean algorithm. I experiment with a variety of convolutional neural network architectures including: a simple network, AlexNet, VGG, and ResNet in an effort to correctly classify oral tissue samples of: tongue, lip, HSV-1, and squamous cell carcinoma. First I consider the dataset as a whole and attempt multi class classification, then I carry out multiple binary classification experiments including: lesion versus non-lesion, herpes versus squamous cell carcinoma, and tongue versus lip. Finally I implement a novel method that attempts to perform the same multi class classification that I started with. This method involves an ensemble of binary ResNet networks. I conclude with an overview of lots of future research that can be done on this problem.
A cython implementation of the constant time median filter.
Given the 4 formative scores and midterm score of M52 Thai high school computer science students, I use multivariate regression to predict their final exam scores.
This repository will contain a usage manual and code for using a quantum entanglement demonstrator to create two-photon Franson interference.
A quick implementation of KNN in Julia with no libraries used to classify men and women given height and weight.
In this project I developed a program that generates nonlinearly separable data. This data is mapped into a higher dimension using a kernel trick where the data becomes linearly separable
nps6-uwf's Repositories
In this project I developed a program that generates nonlinearly separable data. This data is mapped into a higher dimension using a kernel trick where the data becomes linearly separable
A 3D cellular automata simulation synchronized with electronic music.
An extension of the stable marriages problem which implements a novel algorithm that I created. The algorithms finds the optimum invigilation schedule that satisfies a group of n teachers (or other individuals) that must proctor m exams.
This repository will contain different techniques for bypassing captchas.
In this paper I introduce a new oral lesion database that I created by scraping Images from research papers and dentists online. Next, I showcase a novel method for generating NxN pixel samples from human lips by isolating the labial fissure via image segmentation induced via the Kmean algorithm. I experiment with a variety of convolutional neural network architectures including: a simple network, AlexNet, VGG, and ResNet in an effort to correctly classify oral tissue samples of: tongue, lip, HSV-1, and squamous cell carcinoma. First I consider the dataset as a whole and attempt multi class classification, then I carry out multiple binary classification experiments including: lesion versus non-lesion, herpes versus squamous cell carcinoma, and tongue versus lip. Finally I implement a novel method that attempts to perform the same multi class classification that I started with. This method involves an ensemble of binary ResNet networks. I conclude with an overview of lots of future research that can be done on this problem.
A cython implementation of the constant time median filter.
Given the 4 formative scores and midterm score of M52 Thai high school computer science students, I use multivariate regression to predict their final exam scores.
This repository will contain a usage manual and code for using a quantum entanglement demonstrator to create two-photon Franson interference.
A quick implementation of KNN in Julia with no libraries used to classify men and women given height and weight.
Embed encrypted text in an image.
Simple script to showcase the subtleties of various resizing algorithms
The key difference between this project and Interpolating-Polynomials-Project2 is the implementation of the direct method. In this method I solve for the coefficients of the interpolating polynomial using the Vandermonde matrix. In the previous version I simply plot the data points.
I use k-mean clustering to segment human lips. I do this in an effort to automate the process of collecting labial vermillion NxN pixel samples of the lip that can fed into a classier to determine if the sample has lesions.
In this project I collected images of blue eyes, brown eyes, eyes with prominent limbal rings, and eyes with Kayser–Fleischer rings. I then took a random 50px, 50px sample of the iris of the blue and brown eyes. I ran 5 experiments outlined in my paper and discuss interesting ideas for future research.
Exercises, problems, and other content from Learning From Data - Abu Mostafa
Selected programs, homework problems, exam problems, notes, theorems, and other information from two of my graduate classes: Linear System & Control Theory and Matrix Theory.
Metabolic Sensitivity in Squareback Marsh Crabs (Armases cinereum) An Analysis of Two Independent Marsh Crab Populations From Tallahassee and Palm Beach Florida by Using the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney Test
Approximating 3 common functions with the direct method, Lagrange interpolation, and Hermite interpolation. Approximations plotted on Chebyshev nodes.
A website I created giving a brief overview of mathematical optimization techniques. These techniques can be useful in understanding the intuition behind machine learning algorithms.
This is a database that I created from scratch for my Machine Learning final project. I hope to continue to develop and maintain this database so that high quality machine learning research can be done using these images.
I implemented the perceptron learning algorithm to differentiate between Thai currency, specifically Thai coins.
I built two neural networks to try and perform the binary categorization of customers as either satisfied or unsatisfied with their Ecommerce shipping experience.
I implemented the PLA algorithm from scratch and used it to build a web application that classifies text as either SPAM or HAM.
Some queries that I created as an analyst.
This repository will contain a random selection of assignments, exams, lecture slides, and lecture video from my time teaching.
UAV images of roads on the UWF campus post hurricane Sally. The masks were created by me for the purpose of road extraction.
An HTML simulation of the knight's tour problem with Warnsdorff heuristic.