
Container service for image resize/compression with AWS S3 uploader, built on NodeJs and Sharp.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Container service for image resize/compression with AWS S3 uploader (or S3 standalone uploads). The service requires a MongoDB collection to read resize/upload process information, supports multiples profiles.

  • Resize images in multiple sizes.
  • Validates image dimensions / aspect-ratio.
  • Supports large files (more than 100 MB) with async upload (multipart).
  • Built on NodeJs and Sharp (libvips).

Images supported formats

  • webp
  • avif
  • jpeg
  • png


MONGO_URL: MongoDB URL, required (i.e. mongodb://mongo/app)
MONGO_COLLECTION: Mongo collection name, default is 'giger' (optional)
ALLOWED_ORIGINS: CORS origin access (optional)
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS Access Key ID (optional)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS Secret Access Key (optional)
API_KEY: API Key used as basic security. API Key must be passed as header 'X-Api-Key' (optional)
MAX_FILE_SIZE: The max file limit size in bytes for uploads, default is unlimited (optional)

AWS Credentials

AWS credentials can be loaded from env-vars, but it's recommended to use IAM roles in production environment.


Consider always to limit the permissions scope to the profile bucket.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*"

MongoDB JSON Struct

A collection with name {MONGO_COLLECTION} (default is giger) must be created with at least the default profile. See sample/db.json.

    "name": "default", // required, the profile name
    "bucket": {

        "name": "my-bucket-name", // the bucket name
        "basePath": "giger",      // optional, default is root
        "region": "us-east-1",    // default is "us-east-1"
        "cloudfront": {           // overrides S3 URL with a Cloudfront URL (optional)

            "url": "https://some.custom.site", // the Cloudfront URL
            "excludePath": "giger"             // exclude s3-path for Cloudfront URL (optional)
    "objects": {

        "avatar": {

            "bucketPath": "avatars",     // optional, subpath key prefix
            "mimeTypes": ["image/jpeg"], // required, accepted mime-types ['image/jpeg','image/png', 'image/webp']
            "outputFormat": "webp",      // optional, default is same format as input image (if supported); options: webp, avif, jpeg, png
            "acl": "public-read",        // optional, default is none (private)
            "maxAge": 86400,             // optional, default is 1 year
            "async": false,              // optional, async multipart-upload for big files, the output URLs will be saved later in another collection
            "constraints": {

                "minWidth": 300,  // optional
                "minHeight": 300, // optional
                "ratio": "3/2"    // optional, aspect-ratio constraint
            "transforms": [

                    "name": "L",  // the thumbnail version name
                    "width": 300, // resize width, height is auto-calculated keeping aspect-ratio
                    "quality": 90 // quality 1-100
                    "name": "M",
                    "width": 150,
                    "quality": 80
                    "name": "S",
                    "width": 100,
                    "quality": 70
                    "name": "B",
                    "width": 100,
                    "quality": 21,
                    "blur": 8      // blur supported (pixels)
        // supports big files uploads
        "video": {

            "bucketPath": "videos/",
            "mimeTypes": ["video/mp4"],
            "maxAge": 86400,
            "async": true


Pull image

docker pull npulidom/giger

Run the container

docker run -p 8080:80 --env-file .env npulidom/giger


POST ./upload

[POST] multipart/form-data
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; type="image/jpeg"; filename="some-picture.jpeg"

> https://{host}/upload/:profile/:object
> https://{host}/upload/:profile/:object/:tag

# examples
  • profile is the profile name, example default.
  • object is the object name, example avatar.
  • tag is an optional custom value to replace the auto-generated file name, set to 0 to keep the auto-generated file name or exclude param.
# output response ok
    "status": "ok",
    "urls": [
    "ratio": "1:1"

# output response error
    "status": "error",
    "error": "SOME_ERROR"

GET ./health

Service also includes a ./health endpoint for service health checks.

[GET] https://{host}/health

Application Load Balancer (ALB)

Service can be used in a service-path route forwarding, example endpoints:



Upload a file using Curl

curl -F 'file=@sample/lena.jpg' http://g-giger.localhost/upload/default/avatar

curl -F 'file=@sample/some-video.mp4;type=video/mp4' http://g-giger.localhost/upload/default/video