
Pure OCaml implementation of the Groth-Maller SNARK verifier (and associated crypto)

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


Snarkette is a pure OCaml implementation of the Groth-Maller SNARK verifier (and all the requisite number-theoretic primitives), suitable for compiliing to Javascript using js_of_ocaml to be deployed in SNARK-enabled web-apps.

In the service of the Groth-Maller SNARK verifier, it implements the following primitives:

  • Prime order finite fields
  • Degree 2 field extensions
  • Degree 3 field extensions
  • Degree 6 field extensions
  • Weierstrass curves over arbitrary fields
  • The ate pairing

The code has not yet undergone extensive review or testing and as such should not be used in critical systems.