
Zero-Knowledge SNARKs from Linear-Size Universal and Updatable Structured Reference Strings

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Sonic [1] is a zk-SNARK protocol for general arithmetic circuit satisfiability with universal and updatable Structured Reference String (SRS) proposed by Groth et al. [2] that scales linearly in size. Despite requiring a trusted setup for an SRS, the SRS can be continually strengthened and Sonic only requires a single setup for all circuits.

Sonic allows a prover to demonstrate knowledge of a hidden witness for a given constraint system. It defines its constraint system with respect to the two-variate polynomial equation used in Bulletproofs [3]. In the Bulletproofs polynomial equation, there is one polynomial that is determined by the statement and a second that is determined by the constraints.


The witness and the constraint system are defined as follows:

data ArithCircuit f
  = ArithCircuit
    { weights :: GateWeights f
      -- ^ Weights for vectors of left and right inputs and for vector of outputs
    , commitmentWeights :: [[f]]
      -- ^ Weigths for a commitments V of rank m
    , cs :: [f]
      -- ^ Vector of constants of size Q

data GateWeights f
  = GateWeights
    { wL :: [[f]] -- ^ WL ∈ F^(Q x n)
    , wR :: [[f]] -- ^ WR ∈ F^(Q x n)
    , wO :: [[f]] -- ^ WO ∈ F^(Q x n)

data Assignment f
  = Assignment
    { aL :: [f] -- ^ aL ∈ F^n. Vector of left inputs of each multiplication gate
    , aR :: [f] -- ^ aR ∈ F^n. Vector of right inputs of each multiplication gate
    , aO :: [f] -- ^ aO ∈ F^n. Vector of outputs of each multiplication gate

The Sonic protocol can be outlined in three steps: Setup, Prover and Verifier. Due to the universality property of the SRS, the setup phase needs only to be run once. The Fr parameter used in the example above is defined in Adjoint's pairing library, but the protocol works with other finite fields.

sonicProtocol :: ArithCircuit Fr -> Assignment Fr -> Fr -> IO Bool
sonicProtocol circuit@(ArithCircuit gates wV cs) assignment x = do
  -- Setup for an SRS
  srs <- SRS.new <$> generateBetween 2 100 <*> pure x <*> Fr.random
  -- Prover
  (proof, y, z, ys) <- prover srs assignment circuit x
  -- Verifier
  pure $ verifier srs circuit proof y z ys

The following example of an arithmetic circuit uses 5 linear constraints and 2 multiplication constraints:

--  Example:
--  5 linear constraints (q = 5):
--  aO[0] = aO[1]
--  aL[0] = V[0] - z
--  aL[1] = V[2] - z
--  aR[0] = V[1] - z
--  aR[1] = V[3] - z
--  2 multiplication constraint (implicit) (n = 2):
--  aL[0] * aR[0] = aO[0]
--  aL[1] * aR[1] = aO[1]
--  4 input values (m = 4)
runExample :: IO ()
runExample = do
  -- Arithmetic circuit
  z <- Fr.random
  let cs = [0, -z, -z, -z, -z]
      wV = [[0, 0, 0, 0]
           ,[1, 0, 0, 0]
           ,[0, 0, 1, 0]
           ,[0, 1, 0 ,0]
           ,[0, 0, 0, 1]]
      arithCircuit = ArithCircuit gateWeights wV cs

  -- Assignment
  let aL = [4 - z, 9 - z]
      aR = [9 - z, 4 - z]
      aO = aL `hadamardp` aR
      assignment = Assignment aL aR aO

  -- Run protocol
  print =<< sonicProtocol arithCircuit assignment =<< Fr.random

    gateWeights :: GateWeights Fr
    gateWeights = GateWeights
                  { wL = [[0, 0]
                         ,[1, 0]
                         ,[0, 1]
                         ,[0, 0]
                         ,[0, 0]]
                  , wR = [[0, 0]
                         ,[0, 0]
                         ,[0, 0]
                         ,[1, 0]
                         ,[0, 1]]
                  , wO = [[1, -1]
                         ,[0, 0]
                         ,[0, 0]
                         ,[0, 0]
                         ,[0, 0]]

The complete code of the example above can be found here.


  1. Maller M., Bowe S., Kohlweiss M. and Meiklejohn S. "Sonic: Zero-Knowledge SNARKs from Linear-Size Universal and Updateable Structured Reference Strings", 2019. https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/099

  2. Groth J., Kohlweiss M., Maller M., Meiklejohn S., Miers M. "Updatable and Universal Common Reference Strings with Applications to zk-SNARKs", 2018. https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/280.pdf

  3. Bunz B., Bootle J., Boneh D., Poelstra A., Wuille P., Maxwell G. "Bulletproofs: Short Proofs for Confidential Transactions and More", 2018. https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf