
A JavaScript library to retrieve the query parameters with cross browser compatibility.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A JavaScript library to retrieve the query parameters with cross-browser support.

How to Install:

Inside your project, run the following command:

npm i js-queryparams

The above command will install the js-queryparams module inside the node_modules folder. After this you can either directly refer to the node_modules/js-queryparams/lib/index.js file from within your webpage or extract it and host it in your webserver.


Assume the current browser url is:


The library has the following functions:

Get a specific query parameter:


queryParams.get("p1"); // --> "v1" i.e. a single value.
queryParams.get("p4"); // --> ["v4", "a4", ""] i.e. an Array of values, if the parameter gets repeated in the query string.

Get all the query parameters:


// Output: 

    "p1": "v1",
    "p2": "some=text",
    "p3": "{\"key1\":\"val1\",\"key2\":[1,2,3,4]}",
    "p4": [
    "p5": "https://www.example.com",
    "p6": "https://www.example.com/?abc=def&pqr=xyz",
    "p7": "test=01",
    "p8": "",
    "p9": "v9"

Support for custom url:

The queryParams.get and queryParams.getAll functions also support an optional argument to specify a url.


// Output: 

    "p1": "v1",
    "p2": "v2"

queryParams.get("p2", "https://www.example.com/?p1=v1&p2=v2")

// Output:


Change the reference "queryParams":

In case the reference queryParams needs to be changed, then it can be done as follows:

// queryParams.changeRef(<newRefName>);

// e.g.:
console.log(queryParams); // --> ReferenceError

// use $qp instead of queryParams
$qp.get("p1"); // --> "v1"

Once the reference is changed, the old reference is deleted, so trying to use it will result in a ReferenceError.