
Install error

balintbuzasi opened this issue · 19 comments

I follow the insturcions, but I get error when trying to restart: Platform error vacuum.miio2 - Integration 'miio2' not found.
Where do I go wrong? :(

Home Assistant 2021.8.8


  • Create the following folder structure: /config/custom_components/miio2 and place all files there 4 files there.
  • Add the configuration to configuration.yaml, example:
  - platform: miio2
    token: !secret vacuum
    name: Mi hihi

same issue :/

Same issue.. anyone found a solution?

Ended up using this integration instead https://github.com/nergal/homeassistant-vacuum-viomi

@essarn it works, but I cannot determine the zone coordinates... did it work for you?

I had the same error - try adding the 4 files, restarting the hass server, then adding the lines to the config yaml, then restarting the hass server again :)

@sguinea1989 it works now, thank's!
do you have any idea how to determine zone coordinates? Or can I send the vacuum to clean a pre-defined zone?

@balintbuzasi Unfortunately, this is as far as I got. With my set up, I ran into the below issue soon after, and can't get the integration to load properly. If the compatibility issue is resolved, I'll see if I can help you further.


I had same issue. This is what I did:

  1. Create the following folder structure: /config/custom_components/miio2 and placed the 4 files as stated
  2. Go to configuration and click Check configuration in Configuration validation
  3. Then click restart in server management
  4. Once restarted, Add the configuration to configuration.yaml
  5. Then repeat steps 2 and 3.
    Hopefully it works for you as it did mine.

@iJAY86 it worked for me as well.
But, do you have any idea how to determine zone coordinates? Or can I send the vacuum to clean a pre-defined zone?

@balintbuzasi I have not been able to get the zone cleaning working on mine, I'm still checking if I can get help anywhere.

@iJAY86 , thank's I do the same, but no luck yet

@balintbuzasi, you can check out this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UXL4a_fmOc&t=1194s for the zone cleaning, I have not tried it yet because my map stopped working, it is displaying "two factor auth required (see log)". I'm still trying to get my map to work. Let me know if the link helps.

@iJAY86 , unfortunately not, because the map extractor works strange wit my mop, I can onlye get "strange" coordinates:

The solution for two factor auth is to look for an auth URL in the log, paste the URL to a browser. All you have to do is login on this URL, and everything will work fine :)

@balintbuzasi how did you get the url? please throw more light, I still struggling with this. Thanks.

@iJAY86 it was in the logs: reboot your HA the go Supervisor -> System -> Core logs

@balintbuzasi There are a whole bunch of info there, what should I look out for?

@iJAY86 somethint like this:

Logger: custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.common.xiaomi_cloud_connector
Source: custom_components/xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor/common/xiaomi_cloud_connector.py:86
Integration: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 8:45:59 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:45:59 PM

Additional authentication required. Open following URL using device that has the same public IP, as your Home Assistant instance: https://account.xiaomi.com/identity/authStart?sid=passport&context=uTqPvO6apqW6eNzYVJGlecf1IdPlwCuf7s4kyGgAEEHJu8hAtr6hDE01YlWWNPJ1tlXWDxfLVW-XaF1FEclBzxl-WYSoMPDuPiSGPQu_kJfGzvjZ78EOMaHfXz9STWfcm2RxnfWkPN22ukly0MLQ-Q8YVb7lbyzW9ZiU7GNSlQGFHX1NKVBTa15-omitted last part for security

@balintbuzasi sadly I could not find that url in my core log.

Yes I did,
021-11-14 17:20:43 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.camera] Updating xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor camera took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:05
2021-11-14 17:20:53 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.camera] Updating xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor camera took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:05
2021-11-14 17:20:38 WARNING (SyncWorker_4) [custom_components.miio2.vacuum] Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device 192.168.x.x