
Direct Links to repositories from my classes at LMU


Welcome! Here is my class archive, where you can find direct links to my repositories from classes that I have taken at LMU.

Freshman Year

Fall 2017

CMSI 185 - Computer Programming

Spring 2018

CMSI 186 - Programming Lab

Sophomore Year

Fall 2018

CMSI 281 - Data Structures

Spring 2019

Note: No longer have access to projects from CMSI 282 - Algorithms
CMSI 284 - Computer Systems Organization

Junior Year

Fall 2019

CMSI 370 - Interaction Design
CMSI 385 - Intro to Theory of Computation
CMSI 386 - Programming Languages
CMSI 486 - Intro to Database Systems

Spring 2020

CMSI 371 - Computer Graphics
CMSI 387 - Operating Systems
CMSI 488 - Language Translation & Implementation

Senior Year

Fall 2020

CMSI 485 - Artificial Intelligence
CMSI 537 - Natural Language Processing

Spring 2021

In Progress