
S3Emulator is a lightweight server which mimics the services of Amazon S3. It can be useful for development and testing porpuses. By reducing network traffic, it saves both the time and the money.

Primary LanguageC#


S3Emulator is a lightweight server which mimics the services of Amazon S3. It can be useful for development and testing porpuses. By reducing network traffic, it saves both the time and the money.

Supported Operations

How to use it ?

Download the application from here. Open a command promt window and just enter : "S3Emulator"
When started with default options, all the requests made to "s3.amazonaws.com" will be redirected to S3Emulator.
You can see the full list of options by entering : "S3Emulator -help"


  • Service
    Address of s3 service that will be emulated.
    Default: s3.amazonaws.com

  • Proxy
    Proxy is used for supporting secure connections and subdomain style bucket names.
    If you disable proxy, you need to use http protocol and request-uri syle bucket names.
    FiddlerCore is used for proxy support.
    Default: true

  • ProxyPort
    The port to use for the proxy.
    Default: 8877

  • HostPort
    The port to use for the S3Emulator's http listener.
    Default: 8878

  • Directory
    The directory for the storage operations.
    RavenDB is used for persistance.
    Default: ~\Data

  • InMemory
    If set to true, all storage operations will be in memory.
    Default: false

  • MaxBPS
    Set maximum bytes per second. Can be used for bandwidth throttling.
    Default: infinite