
Directory of Oregon Skateparks

Primary LanguageRuby

#Oregon Skateparks If you're an old guy who still likes to skate, this Oregon skateparks directory is for you. This Rails app uses AJAX, image upload with Paperclip and storage with Amazon S3, and Compass and Sass for styling.

The project is for the Rails with AJAX assessment for Epicodus.

##Setup In your terminal, clone this repo and navigate to the directory:

$ clone https://github.com/nrbernard/skate-oregon.git
$ cd skate-oregon/

Make sure you've installed postgres and have started the server:

$ postgres

Run Bundler to install the dependencies:

$ bundle

Set up the databases on your local machine:

$ rake db:create
$ rake db:schema:load

Finally, start the rails server:

$ rails s

It should now be available at localhost:3000.

Alternatively, the live app is on Heroku at http://skate-oregon.herokuapp.com.

##Author Nick Bernard

##License MIT