
Last updated 23th Jan 2019. Check SlackManager.cs for most actual info. And Program.cs for example of usage of SlackManager.

SlackManager class is an extension of SlackAPI .NET wrapper. It contains such methods:

// Connects to Slack. 
public void Connect()        

// Send message to channel as a bot
public void SendMessage(string channelName, string message)
// Get messages history
public List<string> GetMessages(string channelName)
public List<string> GetMessages(string channelName, DateTime from)

// NOTE: Slack API won't return field. So this method
// won't work for now.
// See Response section
public List<string> GetMessages(string channelName, long messageId)
// Creates new channel and invites users from list.
// If channel has incorrect name or already exists then error will be logged
public void CreateChannel(string channelName, List<string> channelUsers)
// Returns all users from workspace
public List<string> GetUsers()

// Returns all users with a name started with 'userPrefix'
public List<string> GetUsers(string userPrefix)        


  1. Slack API requires token which you can obtain from Then you could paste it on object creation new SlackManager(token).
  2. All Slack API response results will be logged to Console. Such as OK or reason of error.
  3. For most of method calls there is a check to ensure connection to Slack endpoint. If there is no connection, then it connects again. So Connect() method call is optional in most cases.
  4. SlackManager.GetMessages(long messageId) isn't work because Slack API does not return See Response section
  5. You could set proxy settings and bot name within constructor SlackManager(token, "Slack Manager", proxySettings).
  6. NOTE: that you can't share your token with other users in public, including github or other public links. Then Slack will revoke such token.

Example Code

        using System;
        namespace SlackPOC
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    // obtain your token from
                    string token = "<Your Slack API Token>";

                    var slackManager = new SlackManager(token);
                    // New messages handler
                    slackManager.OnNewMessage += m => { Console.WriteLine("New message: " + m); };
                    if (!slackManager.IsConnected)
                        SlackManager.Log("Not connected. Exit");

                    var allUsers = slackManager.GetUsers();
                    string testChannelName = "testchannel2";

                    slackManager.CreateChannel(testChannelName, allUsers);            

                    var users = slackManager.GetUsers();
                    Console.WriteLine($"@@@Users in workspace:\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", users));

                    // Test send/get messages for test channel            
                    slackManager.SendMessage(testChannelName, "Hello! This is a test message from `SlackManager`");

                    var messages = slackManager.GetMessages(testChannelName, DateTime.Today);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Messages from #{testChannelName}:\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", messages));
                    Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to get new messages...");

                    // get new messages
                    messages = slackManager.GetNewMessages(new List<string>() { testChannelName });
                    Console.WriteLine("New messages:\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", messages.ConvertAll<string>(m => m.AsString)));

                    Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress Enter to exit...");