
Simple chat using ASP.NET MVC 4.5 and Angular 7 as a client

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Here is a repository for PoC of chat using ASP.NET MVC and SignlaR library on both sides: backend and front-end. On the backend side I created a class inherited from Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hub library base class to handle all real-time requests from front-end. In current implementation there is SiemplifyChatHub.cs class which handles sending new messages and connection of new clients to hub. In Connect() method it adds contacts for currently connected client and loads history of messages.


  • Run several instances of application from Visual Studio and then enter name of user which will connect to chat
  • After connection to chat all online contacts will be loaded to contacts list
  • There is also 'All' link which provides ability to send messages to all users at once
  • If user already registered (after first login with a name) then she will get messages after connection, even if it was not connected.
  • All data stores in App_Data\chat-data.xml file for simplicity as it is PoC. There are all registered users and history of messages.

How it works?

  • All public methods in SiemplifyChatHub class are avaialble in front-end by using jquery.signalrR library.
  • On front-end side you could register js-callbacks for backend using such code as an example:
var chat = $.connection.siemplifyChatHub;
// ...
chat.client.addNewMessageToPage = function (name, to, message, time) {
		var contactName = '@Model.Contact.Name';
 	if (to == "All" && contactName != 'All') {
          // Add the message to the page.
          $('#discussion').append('<li>' + time + ': <b>' + htmlEncode(name)
                    + ' to ' + htmlEncode(to) + '</b>: ' + htmlEncode(message) + '</li>');

Take a look at Views\Chat.cshtml for more examples. Then this callback will be available in backend through Hub-derived class.

  • To call backend method from front-end use such code as an example:

var chat = $$.connection.siemplifyChatHub; chat.server.connect($('#displayname').val(), $('#activecontact').val());

Possible improvements

  • Using Angular 7 for UI. For now, there is Razor for PoC
  • Improve UI to be more closer for mockup
  • Replace XML with SQL Server database

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