
Secure, collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance. Next generation UUIDs.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Secure, collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance. Next generation UUIDs.

This is a port of the JavaScript library @paralleldrive/cuid2, rewritten in Go.

For more information about Cuid2, including details about why and how, please refer to the original documentation.

Getting Started

With Go module support, you can add the following import statement to your code:

import "github.com/nrednav/cuid2"

and then run the following in the root of the repository to fetch the module:

go mod tidy

Alternatively, you can run the following command:

go get -u github.com/nrednav/cuid2


package main

import (

func main() {
    // Generate a Cuid with default configuration
    id := cuid2.Generate()

    // or alternatively, provide your own configuration
    generate, err := cuid2.Init(
    if err != nil {

    // This function generates an id with a length of 32
    id = generate()

    // Validate


You can configure the behavior of the Cuid2 generator by providing the Init() function a series of option functions.

package main

import (

// (Optional) create your own custom counter
type Counter struct {
    value int64

func NewCounter(initialCount int64) *Counter {
    return &Counter{value: initialCount}

func (c *Counter) Increment() int64 {
    return atomic.AddInt64(&sc.value, 1)

func main() {
    generate, err := cuid2.Init(
        // Provide a custom function that generates a floating-point value between 0 and 1

        // Adjust the length of generated id, min = 2, max = 32

        // Provide a custom fingerprint that will be used by the id generator to help prevent
        // collisions when generating id's in a distributed system.
        cuid2.WithFingerprint("hello world"),

        // Provide a custom session counter that will be used to affect the
        // entropy of successive id generation calls


Run the tests with:

go test

As with the original JavaScript library, the collision tests generate over 10 million ids in parallel across 7 CPU cores. The tests also feature a histogram analysis of the entropy range to ensure an even & random distribution.

Here's a sample distribution for one pool of generated ids:

histogram of entropy range


The id generation function can be benchmarked for varying id lengths.

To run a benchmark, use:

go test -run=XYZ -bench=. -benchtime=30s


benchmarks of id generation