Weather application powered by OpenWeatherMap
Demo hosted on
Note http instead of https
In order to use OpenWeatherMap services you must sign up and create an API key,
That API key is specified in the environment variable: OPENWEATHERMAP_APIKEY
This application stores how many times cities were searched. For this feature, a database URL must be specified in the DATABASE_URL
environment variable.
- NodeJS
- Python 3
The client and server are both hosted on Flask. Here are the following commands to run: (in root folder)
npm install
npm run-script build
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, you can pull & run a docker image:
docker run \
-p YOUR_PORT:5000 \
: Flask server that serves the webpage and handles weather api requests./weatherapplicationclient/
: Directory containing react source code and node_modules./weatherapplicationclient/src/App.js
: Contains code for main page and logic./weatherapplicationclient/src/weather_card.js
: Contains code for rending cards containing temperature/forecast./weatherapplicationclient/src/hourly_forecast.js
: Contains code for rendering forecast for a specific date/hour