This code can be used to benchmark sentence embedding models.
pip install sentence-transformers beir
A model trained with the se-pytorch-xla can be benchmarked like this:
python /path/to/model
This loads the transformer model and adds mean pooling and a normalization layer on-top. If you trained with another setup, you have to update the code.
This code will run either on CPU or on GPU. Not on TPU.
When you have a full sentence-transformers model including pooling layer etc., you can run:
python /path/to/model
Execute evaluations in BEIR repository for the model trained with se-pytorch-xla.
This code can run multiple models and multiple tests based on BEIR datasets.
python -m /path/to/model -t nfcorpus
When you are on a TPU and have pytorch_xla installed, you can run:
python /path/to/model
Note: Embeddings will just be computed on a single core.
Results are written for the models to the results folder. To create a tsv overview, you can run:
python results/model1 results/model2 results/model3...