
🎮 A game based on the 1982 cult classic, Tron. Built with Python and the built-in Turtle module.

Primary LanguagePython


Click the image for a video demo IMAGE main-menu

IMAGE gameplay


This game is a homage to the 1982 cult classic, Tron. It recreates the light cycle battles that play out during the movie. The object of the game is to stay alive the longest by not crashing into the walls, the opponent's trail, or your own trail.

  • 1-2 players
  • AI support
  • Multiple grid sizes

In-Game Video


Python 3 is required! No other external modules are needed.

# Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/nreis11/tron.git

# Run main.py to start.
$ python3 main.py

Known issues

  • Windows sound support is limited (due to winsound limitations)
