I have never used Appium or done much mobile testing so wanted to see how hard it would be to install and get all the dependencies ready to be able to run a couple simple test cases on both an emulated and a physical device.
Spoiler Alert: Not hard at all.
- Java 8 (Ancient, yes, I know).
- Maven.
- Node+npm to install Appium.
- Appium (
npm install -g appium
) - Android stuff (SDK, emulator, ADB, etc).
Pro Tip: There's a tool called appium-doctor
that runs a check and
reports back if all dependencies to run Appium are met.
npm install -g appium-doctor
➜ appium-doctor
info AppiumDoctor Appium Doctor v.1.15.4
info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic for necessary dependencies starting ###
info AppiumDoctor ✔ The Node.js binary was found at: /home/nico/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.0/bin/node
info AppiumDoctor ✔ Node version is 14.15.0
info AppiumDoctor ✔ ANDROID_HOME is set to: /home/nico/Android/Sdk
info AppiumDoctor ✔ JAVA_HOME is set to: /home/nico/.jabba/jdk/adopt-openj9@1.8.0-272
info AppiumDoctor Checking adb, android, emulator
info AppiumDoctor 'adb' is in /home/nico/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb
info AppiumDoctor 'android' is in /home/nico/Android/Sdk/tools/android
info AppiumDoctor 'emulator' is in /home/nico/Android/Sdk/emulator/emulator
info AppiumDoctor ✔ adb, android, emulator exist: /home/nico/Android/Sdk
info AppiumDoctor ✔ 'bin' subfolder exists under '/home/nico/.jabba/jdk/adopt-openj9@1.8.0-272'
info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic for necessary dependencies completed, no fix needed. ###
Download all the dependencies using Maven
mvn dependency:resolve
Start Appium server
to leave it in the foreground orappium &
to send it to the background.
Run the tests:
- Straight from the command line with
mvn test
- Import the project into an IDE and run it through there.
Run the tests with Karate:
- Make sure the Appium server is started.
- Also make sure the emulated device its trying to use matches the name of one defined on your system.
- I had some issues if I didn't run
mvn clean verify
beforehand. Weird. Note: this will run the TestNG tests. - Using Intellij look up and install the plugin
Cucumber for Java
. That will also install theGherkin
plugin. - Right click on the feature file ->
Run Feature...