
Companion repository for the article "The Predictive Power of Heuristic Portfolios in Human Syllogistic Reasoning" (Riesterer, Brand, Ragni, 2018).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Syllogistic Portfolios

This respository contains the code required to reproduce the results reported in "The Predictive Power of Heuristic Portfolios in Human Syllogistic Reasoning" (Riesterer, Brand & Ragni, 2018) in Proceedings of the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Repository Contents

  • data/: Folder containing the dataset.
  • models/: Folder containing the model prediction tables partially obtained from [1].
  • output/: Target folder for the analysis results
  • analysis_portfolio.py: Script to run the portfolio analysis.
  • plot_precisions.py: Script for creating the precision barplot.
  • plot_weights.py: Script for creating the weight matrix heatmap.
  • syldata.py: Auxiliary functions for data handling.
  • sylhelper.py: Auxiliary functions for syllogisms.
  • sylmodel.py: Auxiliary functions for model handling.

Software Dependencies

Running the Simulation

A reproduction of the results reported in the article can be achieved by running the following commands:

$> python analysis_portfolio.py
$> python plot_precisions.py
$> python plot_weights.py

analysis_portfolio.py performs the analysis and writes the intermediate output data to output/. Subsequently, the plots can be created by calling plot_precisions.py and plot_weights.py, respectively.


[1]: Khemlani, S., & Johnson-Laird, P. N. (2012). Theories of the syllogism: A meta-analysis. Psychological bulletin, 138(3), 427.