
flutter starter-kit. flutter starter project. upload to store using github actions. Switch between development and production environments and incorporate firebase sdk.

Primary LanguageDart


This project is a pre-template of the tasks and settings that are done every time in flutter.

Flutter version is 3.24.0

The main settings are as follows

  • Switching the app name and app ID (Bundle Identifier, Application Id) for each build setting (Debug or Release).
  • It is possible to switch the value defined for each environment (Dev or Prod) at build time (e.g., Web Api connection destination).
  • Firebase SDK is built in. Also, the configuration file can be switched for each build setting (Debug or Release).
  • Can upload to App Store or Play Store using GitHub Actions.
  • Localization.
  • Uploading timing is done by git tag
  • Assuming that the Firebase project and app have been created, ※Reference


  1. Clone project
  2. Manually add files that are not under git control
  3. [create firebase_options.dart](#create firebase_options.dart)
  4. AndroidStudio Build Settings
  5. GitHubActions Settings
  6. Rename Project Name


Clone Project

$ git clone https://github.com/nrikiji/flutter-starter.git

Manually add files that are not under git control

The files that you don't want to publish are not managed by git (.gitignore), so you have to set them manually beforehand.

Debug Build

Configuration file to download from the firebase console.

Release Build

  • Not required if you only want to build releases with GitHub Actions.
Files required for Android release build

* signing.gradle body
signingConfigs {
  release {
     storeFile file("key.jks")
     storePassword "xxxxx"
     keyAlias "xxxxx"
     keyPassword "xxxxx"

Configuration file to download from the firebase console

Create firebase_options.dart

Duplicate firebase_options.dart.template and add firebase_options.dart.
Edit firebase_options.dart based on GoogleService-Info.plist and google-services.json (for development and production respectively).

AndroidStudio Build Settings

Add debug and release from "Edit Configurations" in Android Studio.

debug: set "--dart-define env=dev" to "Additional run args"

release: Set "--release --dart-define env=prod" to "Additional run args"

  • To build from the command line
# Debug
$ flutter build ios --dart-define=env=dev

# Release(iOS)
$ flutter build ios --release --dart-define=env=prod

# Release(Android)
$ flutter build appbundle --release --dart-define=env=prod
$ flutter build appbundle --release --dart-define=env=prod --no-shrink

Configure GitHubActions

iOS(App Store)

Set the following in GitHub Secrets

base64 value of the p12 file (iPhone Distribution:xxxxxxxxxxxx(xxxxxxx)) written from the key chain access.
$ base64 -i xxxxx.p12

base64 value for provisioning profile
$ base64 -i xxxxx.mobileprovision

App Store Connect API > ISSUE ID

App Store Connect API > Key ID

App Store Connect API > API Key File Contents
$ cat xxxxx.p8

App Store Connect API > TeamID

Apple Developer TeamID

base64 value of GoogleService-Info-prod.plist

$ base64 -i GoogleService-Info-prod.plist

Android(Play Store)

Set the following in GitHub Secrets

base64 value of the zipped file containing the two files required for the release build, the jks file and the gradle file.

 |- key.jks
 |- signing.gradle

   * signing.gradle body
   signingConfigs {
     release {
        storeFile file("key.jks")
        storePassword "xxxxx"
        keyAlias "xxxxx"
        keyPassword "xxxxx"

$ zip -r signing.zip signing/
$ base64 -i signing.zip

base64 value of the secret key (JSON) generated when the service account to access the Google Play Developer Publishing API is created.

$ base64 -i api-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx.json

base64 value of google-services.json

$ base64 -i google-services.json

Renaming the Project Manually

Since the project name is flutter_start_app, change it to an appropriate project name.
See below for the changes (example of changing flutter_start_app to start_app)


Renaming the Project Using a Tool

  1. Edit tools/config.ini:
# Home screen app name (debug and production)
DevAppName = Dev start_app
ProdAppName = Prod start_app

# Package name in pubspec.yaml > name
FlutterProdPackageName = start_app

# iOS Bundle ID (debug and production)
IOSDebugPackageName = nrikiji.start-app.dev
IOSProdPackageName = nrikiji.start-app

# iOS Profile Name
IOSProfileName = start app

# Android Package Name
AndroidPackageName = nrikiji.start_app
  1. Run the renaming command
$ dart tools/rename_project.dart

Creating Firebase Project and App

Example using Firebase CLI

Create Firebase Project

$ firebase projects:create --display-name "start app" start-app

Create Android App

$ firebase apps:create android --package-name nrikiji.start_app --project start-app

Create iOS App

$ firebase apps:create ios --bundle-id nrikiji.start-app --project start-app

Retrieve Android Configuration File

$ firebase apps:sdkconfig --project start-app android -o android/app/src/debug/google-services.json

Retrieve iOS Configuration File

$ firebase apps:sdkconfig --project start-app ios -o ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info-dev.plist