- 3
Scala 3 support
#288 opened by Flowdalic - 0
StackOverflowError when parsing csv with different then expected cell separator and quoted cells
#362 opened by marq - 1
- 1
Why case class has implicits issue ?
#340 opened by LizzyMiao - 0
Single columns optional with CSV containing headers
#336 opened by htunk - 2
Optional header field
#215 opened by mladendinev - 0
Parsing a cell as a NonEmptyList
#327 opened by annafernandez - 2
Case insensitive headers
#315 opened by paulpdaniels - 1
Help with identifying separator
#307 opened by sagard - 0
- 1
- 2
FS2 streams integration
#207 opened by vasiliybondarenko - 2
Intellij red flag Ambiguous implicit complain still sbt compilation works fine
#276 opened by Maatary - 0
Consuming a pipe-delimited file becomes erratic when is set to CsvConfiguration('|', '"', QuotePolicy.Always, Header.None)
#274 opened by jim-oflaherty-jr-qalocate-com - 0
- 0
Enabling `quoteAll` breaks double quote escaping
#261 opened by pjrt - 2
Overriding codecs
#249 opened by soujiro32167 - 0
RowEncoder for more than 22 fields
#243 opened by glarkou - 8
could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type kantan.csv.HeaderDecoder
#241 opened by ivandmay - 0
Help with a case
#239 opened by Maatary - 5
CellDecoder[LocalDate] not allow white space.
#217 opened by keiSunagawa - 0
Separator detection
#223 opened by backuitist - 4
[feat request] Publishing for Scala.js 1.0.0
#220 opened by exoego - 1
Custom CellCodec for Option
#189 opened by philippeehlert - 0
Update companion site's style
#198 opened by nrinaudo - 0
JMH profiling runs on too many bencharks
#202 opened by nrinaudo - 7
Microsite is empty
#195 opened by d10xa - 10
Add support for Scala 2.13
#177 opened by nrinaudo - 1
Dead link in README
#190 opened by rguilmont - 0
Support Scala native
#175 opened by Fristi - 2
How to recover original text when a row fails decoding?
#188 opened by seanf - 7
Include the line number of an error when parsing
#183 opened by nrinaudo - 13
Implicit HeaderDecorator for unsafeReadCsv is only found if asCsv is also called
#185 opened by seanf - 5
HeaderDecoder IndexOutOfBoundsException
#179 opened by dhleemarchex - 8
- 0
Mutability optimisation leaks out
#181 opened by nrinaudo - 1
Incorrect missing header reporting?
#162 opened by nrinaudo - 7
\r\n for new lines is not configurable
#176 opened by kostaskougios - 2
Alternate kantan CSV engines not released
#173 opened by mihaisoloi - 1
asCsv should automatically derive headers from case classes when headers=true
#161 opened by antonkulaga - 1
- 1
Scala-js not support
#172 opened by ja1goncalves - 1
Compile error following in scala.js
#171 opened by jairmedeiros - 0
Update to Scala 2.12.6
#166 opened by nrinaudo - 0
RowHeader.noHeader should be allowed to fail
#165 opened by nrinaudo - 0
Rework error ADT
#164 opened by nrinaudo - 1
Support Enum as field in case class
#163 opened by russellyou - 4
escape quotation
#159 opened by SamanSattari - 1
make case codecs from Seq[String]
#160 opened by antonkulaga - 0
Integrate literal date/time formats
#155 opened by nrinaudo