Hi there, I'm Noah 👋

I'm an undergraduate student at McMaster University interested in Machine Learning and Computational Statistics.

About me

noah = Person(
  name = "Noah Ripstein",
  email = "noah.h.ripstein@gmail.com",
  country = "🇨🇦",
  education = {"school": "McMaster University",
               "program": "Artsci + Psych, Neuro, Behaviour + Math",
               "year": 4}
  languages = [Python, SQL, R, MATLAB],
  tools = [NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, TensorFlow, Sklearn, PostgreSQL, Ggplot2, OpenCV]

What I'm up to

  • 🔭 In summer 2024, I'm working in the RBC Amplify program as a software developer
  • 📝 I recently finished my honours Neuroscience thesis, which involved Bayesian modeling of human tactile perception and designing a Computer Vision program to automatically zoom, crop and temporally segment videos of participants performing an experiment.
  • 💬 Ask me about how our brains subconsciously use Bayesian inference (the topic of my honours thesis)