
Meta-checkout tool for git/hg projects

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Mocca is a simple meta-checkout tool for managing projects which are split into several different repositories. The tool was inspired by Google's gclient.

How to use

Clone this repository and add the directory to your PATH environment variable.

cd into your project's root directory and run mocca init. This will generate an empty .mocca project description file in your current directory.
All other Mocca commands require an existing and writable .mocca file. The tool will search up the directory structure until it finds a valid .mocca or throw an error at you if it doesn't find a suitable project configuration.

mocca add

To add a repository (Mocca calls it dependency) to your configuration simply run mocca add repo-url local-checkout-path.
This will add a new entry to your .mocca file.

The local-checkout-path is the directory where the repository should be cloned into. Relative paths will be evaluated relative to the directory of your .mocca file.

repo-url is simply the URL of the repository to clone.

By default Mocca will assume that the repository uses git. To tell Mocca to use hg simply add --vcs=hg to your mocca add call, like this mocca add --vcs=hg local-checkout-path repo-url

You can also specify the branch which you want to clone using --branch=cool-branch-name. The tool will assume master for git repositories and default for hg repositories by default.

Mocca does also support specifying target OSs for each repository. Simply add -t target-os-name.
mocca add -t=linux path url for example will make sure the repository is ignored on all platforms but linux. You can also specify a specific system architecture. mocca add -t=linux:x86_64 will only checkout the repository if mocca is being run on a 64bit linux system.
Possible system specifiers (the part before :) are listed here https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/sys.html#sys.platform and https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/platform.html#platform.machine is used to determine the current target architecture.

mocca add-var

Another nice feature are project variables.

Mocca will replace all occurrences of {{VARIABLE_NAME}} with the value of VARIABLE_NAME.

This basically allows you to either define shorthands for long expressions or pull in environment variables. mocca add-var takes two arguments. The first one is the name of the variable, the second is the variable's value.
Note: <(env is a special value. It tells Mocca to pull the actual value in from the system environment.

mocca dump

mocca dump allows you to dump the project configuration. You can set the --interpolate (short -i) flag to enable variable interpolation in the output.

mocca sync

This is the command you will probably use most since it does the actual work the tool was designed for. mocca sync will make sure the repositories specified in your project configuration are cloned and up to date. What it basically does is calling git/hg clone if the repository hasn't been cloned yet or git pull/hg pull -u if the repository exists.

.mocca File Syntax

Mocca stores the project configuration in the JSON format. You can edit the .mocca file using whichever text editor you like. The file format is pretty straight forward and should be self explanatory.

Author, Bugs, Feature Requests

You can contact me either through github directly or by tweeting @monofraps on Twitter.

Don't mind opening tickets for bugs and features requests. If you think you've made an improvement to Mocca that's worth sharing send me a pull request.