Highcharts XY scatter chart template with CSV data
http://www.highcharts.com is free for personal websites, school sites, or non-profit organizations. Commercial use requires the purchase of a license.
- Thanks @ilyankou for seriesMapping data, tooltips, and improving overall code
- Thanks @andrewbtran at http://TrendCT.org for function to display financial data (with $ and commas)
- from TrendCT, NY Times, Stanford Education Data Archive, and American Community Survey 2009-13
- see data details at https://github.com/jackdougherty/otl-scatter-districts-income-grades
- Tutorial: Modify and Host a Highcharts Scatter Chart Template on GitHub, https://www.datavizforall.org/github/fork-highcharts
- More Highcharts Templates, https://www.datavizforall.org/Highcharts