
My personal notes taken from the course provided by A Cloud Guru

AWS Developer Associate Certification - course notes

These are my personal notes taken from the course provided by A Cloud Guru in 2020.


  • IAM
  • EC2
  • S3
  • Introduction to Serverless computing
  • DynamoDB
  • KMS and Encryption on AWS
  • Other AWS services
  • Developer theory
  • Monitoring
  • Summary

The files are numerically ordered and make more sense if read in sequence.


These notes are not for any type of personal profit and are not literal transcriptions of the course.

I highly recommend taking the course yourself and updating these notes according to the content provided by A Cloud Guru at the time you are taking the certification.

I do not recommend these notes to be used alone as a resource for taking the certification; instead they can be used as a starting point in case you want to save time with writing your own notes.

Have in mind that AWS updates the certification topics and services, as well as releases many new services very frequently. Always keep an eye on the certification details.