nrkn's Following
- aakropotkinBlock
- alyssarosenzweig
- AndyDBellInformation Age Ltd
- atesgoral@Shopify
- AzgaarPoland
- benjamnApollo Graph, Inc (formerly: Meteor, Facebook/Instagram, Quora, Mozilla)
- CharlotteGoreStockholm, Sweden
- cprecioso@onlyfyio
- DigitalzombieTLD
- epoberezkin@simplex-chat
- fb55London, UK
- geraintluff@Signalsmith-Audio
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- ikrWinterthur, Switzerland
- increpareBerlin, Germany
- jonschlinkert@brandscale
- keithamusGitHub
- KilledByAPixelIndependent Developer
- Matt-Esch
- mattdeslArtist
- mjhea0Myself
- mreinsteinOakland, CA
- munificent@google, on @dart-lang
- oliver-morannth Iteration
- pvpoke
- rgba-image
- risqFrance
- rlammersNew Zealand
- robotlolita
- s0ph1e@sumup
- SebLagueDenmark
- sentientlaser
- sixlettervariablesWilmington, NC
- szendo
- unframeworkCruise
- wooormAmsterdam, The Netherlands