React Router Demo

Step-by-Step Guide to Live Code

React Router 101

Live code for the React Router 101 lecture

Branch: start-101

Step 1 - Install react-router-dom

  • Run npm i react-router-dom in the terminal
  • Check that it was added to the package.json file successfully

Step 2 - First ingredient: Router

  • In the /src/index.js file, add to the top:
    • import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom'
  • Wrap the entire React application in the Router
        <App />

Step 3 - Second ingredient: Route

  • In the /src/App.js file, add to the top:
    • import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'
  • Add Routes inside the App component just before the closing <div> tag:
    • Prompt students for the necessary properties (path and component)
    <Route path='/' component={Bio} />
    <Route path='/projects' component={Projects} />
    <Route path='/experience' component={Experience} />
    <Route path='/contact' component={Contact} />
  • Demonstrate "fuzzy" matching in the browser then incorporate the exact prop
    <Route exact path='/' component={Bio} />
  • Demonstrate using the Network tab in Chrome dev tools that, as is, clicking the links in the browser causes the page to refresh

Step 4 - Third ingredient: Link

  • In the /src/App.js file, add Link to the imports from react-router-dom:
    • import { Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom'
  • Update all of the list item elements' anchor tags to Links:
    • Prompt students for the necessary property (to)
    <div className='nav-name'>
      <li><Link to='/'>Noelle Laureano</Link></li>
    <div className='nav-menu'>
      <li><Link to='/projects'>Projects</Link></li>
      <li><Link to='/experience'>Experience</Link></li>
      <li><Link to='/contact'>Contact</Link></li>

React Router 201

Live code for the React Router 201 lecture

Branch: start-201

Step 1 - Implicit props

  • Demonstrate the props that are implicitly passed to components using the <Route> component syntax
    • In the Experience component (/src/Components/Experience.js), add props as a parameter and console log them:
    const Experience = (props) => {
      console.log('Experience props >>', props)

Step 2 - Using render to pass props

  • Let's say we don't want to import our jobHistory inside of the Experience component, and we would prefer to have it "higher up" in our application and pass it "down" using React-Router's <Route> render syntax
    • Refactor and demonstrate that no props are logging to the console with the following:
      • App.js
        import jobHistory from './Data/jobHistory'
        function App() {
          return (
            <div className="App">
              {/* ... */}
              <Route path='/experience' render={ () => <Experience/> } />
      • Experience.js
      const Experience = (props) => {
        console.log('Experience props >>', props)
        {/* ... */} 
    • Refactor again, to pass jobHistory as a prop to the Experience component and show the props being logged to the console:
      • App.js
          render={() => <Experience jobHistory={jobHistory} />}
      • Experience.js
        const Experience = (props) => {
        console.log('Experience props >>', props)
          return (
              {, i) => (
                <SingleJob key={i} job={job} />

Step 3 - Getting back our route props

  • Notice with the refactor, we lost our implicit route props: history, location, and match
  • Refactor the render method again to get them back:
      render={(routeProps) => (
        <Experience routeProps={routeProps} jobHistory={jobHistory} />
  • Demonstrate the spread operator so that the route props aren't nested:
      render={(routeProps) => (
        <Experience {...routeProps} jobHistory={jobHistory} />