
Testing different RAG configurations (embeddings, vector stores, llm, etc)

Primary LanguagePython

RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Playground

Playing with different tools for building RAG systems.

  • Embeddings: OpenAI, Huggingface
  • Vector Stores: ChromaDB, QDrant
  • LLM: OpenAI, Huggingface
  • Chat interfaces: Gradio, Streamlit, Typer
  • LLM Frameworks: Langchain, Llamaindex
  • Prompting languages: LMQL, Guidance
  • Agents

Langchain + Huggingface or OpenAI

Index data

  • Put the documents you want to index inside doc folder.
  • Run create_index.py

Start and mlflow server

Start the server for working locally:

mlflow server --backend-store-uri <absolute-path-to-tracking-directory> --default-artifact-root tracking/ --host

Open the UI by going to

Ask questions

  • Change the query.
  • Run chatbot.py