
A python-based articulated robot simulator built from first-principles robotics using PyQt4/OpenGL.

Primary LanguagePython

This is an initial README file for the python-robot-sim project. I'll be using this project to gradually build up an articulated robot simulator in python using Qt and OpenGL for GUI and graphical elements, respectively.

I will document the development as part of my personal blog, with each blog post being linked to a specific commit for easy access to the code I'm writing about as detailed below:

  1. First Steps with python + Qt + OpenGL: Creates a simple Qt and OpenGL application to render and manipulate a cube.
  2. Initial Simulator Graphics in OpenGL: Extends the previous application to render basic simulator graphics and adds a user-controlled camera.
  3. 3D Geometry for Robotics: Introduces theory for representing object pose and a python module for basic 3d geometry.

As always, feel free to email me if you have any questions of comments. You can also use the Disqus section at the bottom of a blog post for this purpose.