
Blockchain dapp where you can own a country NFT and be the owner/king/boss, climb the leaderboard to show how rich the country is.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  • Video?
    Here is a Youtube video. Here is a Demo.

  • What?
    This is a Decentralized Application (Dapp). You can own countries and display your message on them. The leaderboard shows the wealthiest countries.

  • What's in it for me?
    Once you own a country you're now it's king. You message will be displayed on that countries page. Each time a country is bought, it's price increases by 20%. If someone buys your country, you get your BNB back + an extra 10%.

  • So now what?
    Continue to the site. Explore it on the BSC main net or the BSC test net.

  • Goal?
    Have an blockchain powered world war between wealthiest countries.

Disclaimer: for the best experience, use a desktop!

Screenshot of the project

  • How to run? Publish the contract code to the Binance Smart Chain main net/test net. Once you've done this you need to copy the contract address to the 'connectToWallet.js' file (Line 111/115). I recommend Remix.

    Now you need to run the project on a network. I recmommend using Node.js with the http-server plugin.

  • Used libraries

  1. web3.js
  2. d3.js
  3. umd.js
  4. font awesome