
Group project focused on building server side functionality through python and front end with react. Half day effort exploring new technology

Primary LanguagePython

Pet Hotel Project

Duration - half day sprint

By Nick Simonelli, Ross Hutchens, Tom Hoffman, Robert Wolfe Johnson


Welcome to Pet Hotel! Here you can view, add, and delete pets from our wonderful hotel. You can even update their check-in status or view which owners have the most pets! All server side code written in Python while client side interaction was built via React.


  1. Create database named pet_hotel we recommend using Postico for easy integration
  2. Run the queries located inthe database.sql file to create starter tables and data
  3. Install the latest version of python3 in your project foler and setup your venv via python3 -m venv venv
  4. Install dependencies with pip3 install -r requirements.txt using your terminal
  5. Once up and running export FLASK_APP=main.py
  6. To run the project in development mode, set up development enviorment export FLASK_ENV=development
  7. To run project run command flask run
  8. To use routes, use Postman to send requests to the server. This project uses GET, POST, DELETE, and PATCH.


  1. check routes using Postman at local host 5000
  2. get request will return all pets
  3. post to add a new pet to the db
  4. patch to change the check-in status of any p
  5. delete to remove pet from the db
  6. advanced get to view pet count by owner


Built With

  • Python3
  • Flask
  • PostgreSQL
  • psycopg2


Thanks to Prime Digital Academy for the knowledge, skills, and support needed for us to make this application a reality.